Anne Rice - Servant of the Bones - 1996

Audio-book - 4 h 01 min

Первое, что следует отметить

- это НЕ вампирический роман, хотя судя из названия можно было бы предположить, что это что-то среднее между похождениями "самого любвеобильного вампира, когда-либо созданного" (Blood Canticle) и ведьм, которые цементируют общество, активно занимаясь социальной и медико-реабилитационной деятельностью (The Witching Hour)

- Terry Pratchett, Баба Огг, "Избранное", смотрите в следующих выпусках

2 - роман имеет смысл, в отличие от несвязного набора маловразумительных эпизодов, имеющих место составлять некоторые книги Anne Rice (e.g. Merrick a.k.a. Merrique).

3 - "tell me the whole plan, tell me the whole plan" - загадки и страшилки держат в напряжении. "Главный злодей" неизвестен до самого финала - скучать не придётся.

Servant of the Bones - Аудиокнига, обязательна к прослушиванию - лучше вечером в полутьме, для максимального эффекта от содержания.

I was about to walk out of the room. But I decided for obvious reasons that it was best to vanish. I did so slowly so as to amaze them, growing transparent, rising, extending my arms, then vanishing altogether.

A huge mob surrounded the Temple of the Mind. I came down into it invisible, amid the cameras and the radio people and understood that Gregory Belkin was to appear to make a momentous statement at 6 p.m. or before.

I went up and into the building and found Gregory seated in a huge room with five men, amid the big electric maps and numerous monitors.

As I descended, Gregory spoke:

"Nothing will happen until two hours after I'm declared officially dead-" he said, and these words immediately galvanized me.

I appeared in my full Babylonian robes of blue velvet and gold, and my long hair and beard, and I snatched him up from the chair.

The men raced at me, and I threw them back.

"No, be calm," said Gregory. "This is an angel sent from God to help us."

"Is that so?" I said. "What have you done with your brother? If you don't talk the truth to me, I'll tear you limb from limb and all these men will die with you.

Gregory sighed and then he told the other men to go. "Everything will go as planned; only this angel needs to know the scope of his power," he said. "Say nothing to anyone."

The men at the table left with amazing speed.

I flung him back down in his chair.

"I know you're going to do something with your brother," I said, "put him in your place to be killed, so that you can rise from the dead! That much is easy to figure and 6 is the hour you've marked for it.

I want your brother now, safe and in my arms to be taken back to his people."

"No, you don't, Azriel," he said with great reasonableness, his confidence flaring up in him like an unquenchable fire. "Sit down and let me tell you what is to happen. You cannot imagine the beauty of it, and Nathan will suffer no pain. He is sedated and hardly knows what will happen to him."

"I'm sure he is!" I said with great contempt, and a memory came

back to me of people saying, "You will not suffer." They were painting gold on my skin.

"If you kill me," Gregory said, "you will change nothing. If you want me to die before 6 o'clock then you will simply move up the time of the Last Days."

He gestured for me to sit down.

I said nothing. But I did have a strong sense of something

- that I

couldn't simply solve this by chopping him up like the Gordian knot.

I took the first chair to his left.

"But you do plan to kill Nathan at six o'clock. You admit it. That's why you put him in the hospital under your name, to create DNA evidence and dental evidence to identify Nathan as you, so that your death would be certified, didn't you?"

He didn't seem at all happy to hear this much figuring.

"That's a crude version of what I accomplished," he said. "But look, the world is at stake, Azriel. Dear God, you must be my Divine Witness."

"Don't get romantic, Gregory, tell me the plan.

Урок 82

Аудио 1 :
Аудио 2 :

Lesson 36

son - сын
the only son - единственный сын

chief - руководитель. глава; начальник; шеф
chief - ведущий, главный, основной, руководящий, старший

Chief Rabbi - главный раввин

dry - сухой, высушенный, безводный

"The son of a chief begging for money," Pitt said dryly.
"You must be a great source of embarrassment for your old man."

Сын начальника, выпрашивающий деньги", сказал Питт сухо.
"Ты должно быть большой источник затруднения для твоего старика."

fraction - дробь ; доля, порция, часть

What they saw was only a fraction of the magnificence that was the Amenes.
Что они увидели, было только частью великолепия, бывшего Аменами.

to collect - собирать, коллекционировать
a collection - коллекция; совокупность, набор
a collection of proverbs — набор пословиц

to govern - править, управлять
government - правительство; руководство, управление

Yes, we maintain quite an extensive collection of government-related pictures
going back as far as the eighteen forties.
Да, мы содержим довольно обширную коллекцию картинок, относящихся к правительству,
уходящую вплоть до 1840-х.

going back as far as - "идущий назад так далеко, как"

store - запас, резерв ; магазин, склад
to store - хранить, сохранять; запоминать (данные)

Sandecker hired him to collect and store every scrap of data
ever written on the oceans, scientific or historical, fact or theory.

Сендекер нанял его, чтобы собрать и сохранить каждый клочок данных,
когда-либо написанный об океане - научного или исторического, факт или теория.

an object - объект, предмет; вещь
material object, physical object — материальное, физическое предмет
- колокол, колокольчик
bell-shaped - в форме колокола

They all saw the object almost immediately.
It was an inverted bell-shaped funnel about five inches in diameter.

Они все увидели объект почти немедленно.
Это была перевёрнутая в форме колокола воронка, около 5 дюймов в диаметре.

to object - возражать, протестовать; выдвигать возражения
to object strongly — решительно возражать
silent - безмолвный; немой ; бесшумный
silence - тишина, молчание

silence of the ham - молчание ветчины

'And writes Memoirs,' put in the countess,
who seemed to object to the deep silence that prevailed.

"И пишет мемуары", добавила графиня,
которая, казалось, возражала против глубокой тишины, которая установилась.

cause - причина, основание
primary cause — основной источник
because - потому что, "быть причина"

"Think, will you? How do you know we might not cause what's going to go wrong tonight?"

"Подумай, да? Откуда ты знаешь, что мы не будем причиной того, что пойдёт неправильно сегодня вечером?"

band - тесьма, лента, повязка

It was too late.
Homesickness, the little elastic band in the subconscious
that can wind up a salmon and propel it three thousand miles through strange seas -
homesickness rose up inside Rincewind like a late-night prawn biriani.

Было слишком поздно.
Ностальгия по дому, маленькая упругая ленточка (резинка) в подсознании,
которая может зарядить лосося и протолкнуть его три тысячи миль через чуждые моря -
тоска по дому поднялась с Ринсвинде как полуночная креветка бириани.

band - отряд, банда, группа
to form a band - организовать оркестр
; собирать группу (музыкальный ансамбль)

loud - громко ; громкий, шумный
noise - шум, гул

There was a loud blarting noise from a band of bronze trumpets.
Раздался громкий брыкающий звук из хора бронзовых труб.

eight - восемь, восьмёрка
far - далеко ; дальний, отдаленный

Torchlight flickered easily on the damp tunnels far under the University
as the heads of the eight Orders of wizardry filed onwards.

Свет факела слегка мерцал на сырых тоннелях глубоко (далеко) под Университетом,
в то время как главы восьми Орденов колдовства продвигались вперёд.

size - размер, величина
continent - сдержанный, спокойный; умеренный; целомудренный, воздержанный
continent - континент, материк

With flippers the size of continents the skyturtle fought the pull of the star,
and waited. There would not be long to wait . . .

Плавниками размером с континент, небесная черепаха преодолевала притяжение звёзды,
и ожидала. Было уже немного ждать.

station - станция, вокзал
station - место, положение
radio station - радиостанция

hour - час, время (встречи, события)

I'll meet you at the police station in half an hour.
You know how to tell the time? The big hand is...

Я встречу тебя в полицейском участке через полчаса.
Ты знаешь, как определять время? Большая стрелка - это ....

bank - банк
bank account - банковский счёт

to lead - вести, сопровождать, быть проводником
lead, led, led, leading

bank - вал, насыпь ; берег реки
led - вёл, направлял

Where the track led down to the river bank there was a crude jetty and a big bronze gong.
Где тропинка вела вниз к берегу реки, была дубовенькая (чахленькая) пристань и большой бронзовый гонг.

century - столетие; век ; стометровка, сто миль, и т.д.
hundred - сто, сотня
to excite - возбуждать, вызывать (ток), побуждать
excitement - возбуждение, волнение

to feel excitement — волноваться

"Yes," said Lily excitedly. "High and graceful. Typical of a fourth-century merchant ship."
"Да", сказала Лили взволновано. "Высокий и изящный. Типично 4-го столетия торговый корабль."

neighbour, neighbor - сосед
neighbourhood - близость, соседство, соседи

Your neighbour here is a most worthy man;
a man of good society, who knew it as it was before the Revolution,
who was once an atheist, and is now an earnest Catholic.

Твой сосед - в высшей степени достойный человек.
Человек хорошего общества, который знал, как было до Революции,
который был ранее атеистом, а сейчас убеждённый Католик.

to discuss - обсуждать
discussion - обсуждение

"Let's go topside," he said, "and discuss this in the fresh air."
Идём на палубу", он сказал. "И обсудим это на свежем воздухе."

observe - наблюдать, замечать, обращать внимание
- следить, следовать (традициям)
to observe the time - быть пунктуальным

"What instructions are your people working under?" he asked.
"Only to observe and report the Americans' actions."

"Какие инструкции даны вашим людям?" он спросил. ("что за инструкциями какими твои люди работают под")
"Только наблюдать и докладывать американцев действия."

milk - молоко
glass - стекло

sheet glass - листовое стекло

glass - стакан, бокал, фужер, рюмка

"A glass of milk for an overstressed stomach sounds good."
"Стакан молока для перенапряжённого желудка звучит хорошо."

English Grammar In Use, Colloquial Expressions & Phrasal Verbs

Три книги для пользователей уровня 7 Английского (т.е. когда полностью сформировано новое языковое ядро и более нет необходимости использовать русскоязычное толкование) которые следует почитать на досуге, за чашкой чая или в метро.

Phrasal Verbs Grammar in Use Slang and Colloquial Expressions
220 pages 190 pages 570 pages

Читая по несколько страниц в день, все три книги реально прочесть за год-полтора.

Хочу предостеречь вас от попыток читать эти книги:

1) Не достаточно подготовленными - это не учебники в обычном смысле этого слова. Читайте на досуге, параллельно с чтением литературных произведений. Необходимо прочесть не менее пары десятков книг самостоятельно и послушать десятки аудиокниг, перед тем, как читать эти справочники.

2) В русифицированном варианте - эти книги невозможно "перевести на русский" в обычном смысле этого слова. Пытаясь запоминать вырванные из контекста русифицированные фразы, вы рискуете бессмысленно потратить время и получить стойкую аллергическую реакцию к иностранным языкам. Все конструкции и обороты, собранные и систематизированные в данных справочниках, используются в англоязычной литературе. Только когда фраза, оборот, выражение или грамматическая конструкция используется в контексте некого литературного произведения - только тогда она запоминается. "Долбить" грамматику или изучать русифицированные толкования смысла нет.

Dialog 73. Strawberry fertilizer

Диалог 73. Земляничное удобрение

A farmer was driving along the road with a load of fertilizer.

A little boy, playing in front of his house, saw him and called, "What've you got in your truck?"

"Fertilizer," the farmer replied.

"What are you going to do with it?" asked the little boy.

"Put it on strawberries," answered the farmer.

"You ought to live here," the little boy advised him. "We put sugar and cream on ours."

Фермер ехал по дороге с грузом удобрения.

Мальчик, играющий перед домом, увидел его и спросил: "Что у тебя в грузовике?"

"Удобрение", ответил фермер.

"Что ты собираешься с ним делать?", спросил мальчик.

"Положу на землянику", ответил фермер.

"Тебе следовало бы жить здесь", мальчик посоветовал ему. "Мы кладём сахар и сливки на нашу."

Isn't that the city? Didn't your friends come from there?

Yes, that's the city my friends came from. Не этот ли город? Твои друзья не из него ли прибыли (от туда)?

Да, это город, из которого мои друзья прибыли.
Aren't they the actors? Didn't you read about them?

Yes, they're the actors I read about. Не эти ли актёры? Не о них ли ты читал?

Да, они актёры, о которых я читал.
A ragged individual stranded for several months on a small desert island one day noticed a bottle lying in the sand with a piece of paper in it.

Rushing to the bottle, he pulled out the cork and with shaking hands withdrew the message.

"Due to lack of maintenance," he read, "we regretfully have found it necessary to cancel your e-mail account."

Измученный тип, сидевший несколько месяцев на маленьком необитаемом острове, однажды заметил бутылку, лежащую в песке с клочком бумаги в ней.

Поспешив к бутылке, он вытащил пробку и трясущимися руками извлёк сообщение.

"Из-за недостатка внимания (обслуживания)", он прочёл, "мы сожалея нашли необходимым аннулировать ваш адрес электронной почты."

Isn't that the shop? Didn't you get your hat from there?

Yes, that's the shop I got my hat from.

Не это ли тот магазин? Не в нём ли ты купил твою шляпу?

Да, это магазин, в котором я купил шляпу.
Isn't that the chair? Didn't you sit on it?

Yes, that's the chair I sat on. Не этот ли стул? На нём ты сидел?

Да, этот (тот самый) стул, на котором я сидел.

Grammar 33

Пунктуация. Использование запятых.

1) Запятая вставляется в прямую речь внутри кавычек

"You look beat," Susan said.

2) Запятая обычно используется для выделения

a) приложения

The final stage, from Arpajon into Paris, is a largely ceremonial ride of 89.2 miles.

b) причастного оборота.

This being properly done, they drew the Comte de Wardes close to his servant.

3) В литературном Английском, запятые используются по усмотрению автора.

She woke to the sounds of screams. She got up, and went to the window.

I was delighted at the prospect. I got up and went to the door.

4) Запятая используется для разделения однородных членов предложения. В отличие от Русского, в Английском запятая может ставиться также перед последним из трех или более однородных членов, присоединенным союзом and, or или but.

To my agents in New York, George, Olga, and Jake .

5) Запятая используется для выделения вводных слов, словосочетаний и предложений, как и в Русском.

Puzzled, Becker called one of his old squash buddies, annex-political analyst turned research clerk at the Library of Congress.

6) Запятая обычно используется, чтобы разделить два предложения (в сложных предложениях)

He prodded at the overturned Journal by the lazy Susan, but that was just too depressing.

Becker checked the GAO Directory, and it showed no listing either.

I wrote fast. I had a way of plunging the stylus into the clay that made everybody laugh but my writing was good.

Grammar Reference. Unit 9

9.0 Auxiliary verbs. Modal verbs.

Modal verbs can express ability, obligation, permission, and request. They can also express the idea of probability or how certain situation is. Here is an introduction to modal auxiliary verbs

Auxiliary verbs

Auxiliary verbs are small verbs used to build verb chains.

Kate is speaking.

We had been asking.

She did like him once.

The auxiliary verbs are:

  • have when followed by a past participle:
    • e.g. have seen
  • be when followed by a present participle or by a past participle:
    • are working
    • are admired
  • do when followed by an infinitive:
    • do you think, do not think.
  • the modal verbs, which are generally followed by an infinitive:
    • will think, must be

Modal verbs

Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that come in front of an infinitive (usually without to). They express such ideas as possibility, willingness, prediction, speculation, deduction, necessity and habit.

He must be angry

I can’t understand.

You ought to tell us.

Here are the main modal verbs:

will/would may/might dare
shall/should must need
can/could ought used to

Why be is always an auxiliary verb and possessive have sometimes is.

One of the main differences between auxiliary and main verbs is that auxiliaries are used in questions like Are you listening? and in negative sentences like You aren't listening. If we apply this as a test for auxiliary verbs, then other uses of be should also count as auxiliaries:

They are happy. Are they happy? They aren't happy.
He is your friend. Is he your friend? He isn't your friend.
It was here. Was it here? It wasn't here.

The same applies, for some people, to the verb have which means 'possess':

She has enough money. Has she enough money? She hasn't enough money.

Modal verbs of probability

9.1 Expressing possibility / probability : The present / future

1. Must and can't express the logical conclusion of a situation:

must = logically probable

can't = logically improbable

We don't have all facts, so we are not absolutely sure, but we are pretty certain.

He must be exhausted. He can't even stand up.

Sue can't have a ten-years-old daughter! She's only 24!

He's in great shape, even though he must be at least 60!

A walk in this weather! You must be joking!

Is there no answer? They must be in bed. They can't be out this late!

2. Could and may/might express possibility in the present or future.

May / Might + not

is the negative.
Couldn't is rare in this use.

He might be lost.

They could move to a different place.

Dave and Beth aren't at home. They could be at the concert, I suppose.

We may go to Greece for our vacation. We haven't decided yet.

Take your umbrella. It might rain later.

I might not be able to come tonight. I might have to work late.

The continuous infinitive

Must / could / can't / might + be + -ing make the continuous form in the present.

Peter might be working late.

They can't be working very hard.


"John's grass is lovely. He must cut it regularly." (habit)

"What's John doing in the garden?" "He might be cutting the grass." (now)

Урок 81

Lesson 35

corner - угол, угловой

He staggered off into one corner and retched for several minutes.
Он шатаясь ушёл ("отшатался") в угол и рыгал несколько минут.

measure - мера, единица измерения
measure, measures - меры, мероприятия

to measure - измерять, мерить

control - управление, регулирование
control - контроль, проверка
to control - управлять, распоряжаться

"It's obvious you don't know crap about golf," said the President, mildly pleased at gaining a small measure of control.
"Очевидно, ты не знаешь ни хрена о гольфе", сказал Президент, (снисходительно) довольный, получая некоторый контроль над ситуацией.

example - пример, образец

The body lines were smooth and elegant in the grand manner,
an example of flawless craftsmanship seldom equaled.
Очертания кузова были плавные и элегантные величественного вида ("в величественном способе"),
пример безупречного мастерства, редко тождественного (данному) ("редко сравненного").

populate - населять, заселять ; заполнять
else - еще, кроме ; иначе, в противном случае
else - иной, другой

Let someone else populate the earth.
I'm not about to split off my soul, like some damned amoeba.

Пусть кто-то иной заселит Землю.
Я не собираюсь делить мою душу, как какая-то проклятая амёба.

substance - материя, субстанция
substance - содержание, суть, сущность

look - взгляд, выражение ; облик, вид
by the look of it - "по его виду", как видно

An extensive effort by the look of it.
Громадное усилие, как я погляжу ("по виду его").

to look - смотреть, глядеть; осматривать
to look - выглядеть, казаться [глагол-связка]

The President looked puzzled.
"I can't imagine a substance with such awesome potency."

Президент выглядел озадаченным.
"Не могу представить вещество с такой чудовищной силой действия.

chair - стул

moment - миг, минута, момент
moment - момент, возможность, удобный случай
crucial moment — решительный, ответственный момент

to sit - сидеть, садится
sit , sat , sat , sitting

sat - сел, уселся

The car sits in the garage.
Машина стоит
("сидит") в гараже.

He sat there dazed, not fully aware of how he got there.
Он сидел там оглушённый, не полностью осознавая, как он попал туда.

a seat - сиденье, стул, место
to seat - усаживать(ся); снабжать стульями
please be seated — прошу садиться, садитесь

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
The adventure of the Devils Foot.

Audiobook - 57 min 55 sec

They were not long in coming. I had hardly settled in my chair before I was conscious of a thick, musky odour, subtle and nauseous. At the very first whiff of it my brain and my imagination were beyond all control. A thick, black cloud swirled before my eyes, and my mind told me that in this cloud, unseen as yet, but about to spring out upon my appalled senses, lurked all that was vaguely horrible, all that was monstrous and inconceivably wicked in the universe. Vague shapes swirled and swam amid the dark cloud-bank, each a menace and a warning of something coming, the advent of some unspeakable dweller upon the threshold, whose very shadow would blast my soul. A freezing horror took possession of me. I felt that my hair was rising, that my eyes were protruding, that my mouth was opened, and my tongue like leather. The turmoil within my brain was such that something must surely snap. I tried to scream and was vaguely aware of some hoarse croak which was my own voice, but distant and detached from myself. At the same moment, in some effort of escape, I broke through that cloud of despair and had a glimpse of Holmes's face, white, rigid, and drawn with horror--the very look which I had seen upon the features of the dead. It was that vision which gave me an instant of sanity and of strength. I dashed from my chair, threw my arms round Holmes, and together we lurched through the door, and an instant afterwards had thrown ourselves down upon the grass plot and were lying side by side, conscious only of the glorious sunshine which was bursting its way through the hellish cloud of terror which had girt us in. Slowly it rose from our souls like the mists from a landscape until peace and reason had returned, and we were sitting upon the grass, wiping our clammy foreheads, and looking with apprehension at each other to mark the last traces of that terrific experience which we had undergone.

"Upon my word, Watson!" said Holmes at last with an unsteady voice, "I owe you both my thanks and an apology. It was an unjustifiable experiment even for one's self, and doubly so for a friend. I am really very sorry."

"You know," I answered with some emotion, for I have never seen so much of Holmes's heart before, "that it is my greatest joy and privilege to help you."

Урок 80

Аудио 1 :
Аудио 2 :

Lesson 34

pretty - миловидный, прелестный, хорошенький

I was feeling pretty good about myself, when the heat started to get to me.
Я ощущал себя вполне хорошо, когда (до тех пор пока) горячка (велогонки) не стала пробирать меня.

a print - копия, оттиск
to print -

She was holding the little print so that Jane did not see the face of the man it portrayed.
Она держала маленький оттиск (форму) так, что Джейн не видела лицо человека, которое он отображал.

probable - вероятный, возможный
evening - вечер
event - событие, происшествие, случай

They had returned to their rooms,
and were
sitting talking over the probable outcome of the evening's events.
Они вернулись в их комнаты,
и сидели разговаривали о вероятных последс
твиях вечерних событий.

problem - проблема; вопрос; задача
such - такой, таковой, определённый

But here was a problem which defied such simple distinctions: that threw her oft-balance; left her sick and bewildered.
Но была проблема, которая маскировала (на обращала внимания) на такое простые различия - это выводило её из равновесия, делало её раздосадованной и сбитой с толку.

a process - процесс, течение, ход, развитие; продвижение
to process - обрабатывать, оформлять
brought - приносил (past and past participle of bring), принёс
colour, color - цвет
to colour, to color - раскрашивать

His waking brought the process to an end. The colours, the bees and the threads all retreated.
Его пробуждение завершило процесс. Цвета, пчёлы и нити все отступили.

proper - правильный, должный; достойный
proper behaviour - достойное поведение

We don't have the proper equipment,
and we don't have any map of the
system we're going into.
У нас нет подходящего оборудования,
и у нас нет карты системы, в которую мы собираемся (влезть).

property - имущество; собственность
property - свойство, особенность

For a day or two we were busily employed in unpacking and laying out our property
to the best advantage.

День или два мы были заняты, распаковывая и выкладывая наши пожитки
наилучшим (оптимальным для нас) образом.

to provide - заготовлять, запасать ; обеспечивать

I should therefore be in a position to provide you with those comforts
to which you are accustomed.
Я буду, таким образом, способен обеспечить тебя комфортом,
к которому ты привыкла.

to pull - тянуть, тащить
behind - позади, за, после

If that front of the cage was only back in its position once more,
I could
find a sure refuge behind it.
Could I possibly pull it back?
Если бы перед (передняя стенка) коробки была опять в её (исходном) положении,
я мог бы найти надежное убежище за ней.
Мог бы я вернуть (оттащить) её назад?

to push - толкать; пихать
boat - лодка
back - назад, зад, сзади ; спина, задняя стор
она (front/back)

Twice we tried to push out our little boat,
and twice
it was thrown back by the sea.
Дважды мы пытались оттолкнуть нашу маленькую лодку,
и дважды мы были отброшены назад морем.

quart - q кварта (единица объёма, применяемая в некоторых странах)
full - полный, заполненный ; толстый, жи

It was a large funnel, and might hold a quart when full.
Это была большая воронка, и могла вмещать кварту, когда заполнена.

a question - вопрос
to question - спрашивать, допрашивать

"Ah!" said he, "it is the very question which I have had occasion to ask myself.
"Ах!", сказал он. "Это тот самый вопрос, который я имел место задавать себе."

to follow - следовать, следовать за
following - следующий, последующий

He followed like a lamb, too weary to question their route.
"Он проследовал как ягнёнок, слишком измученный, чтобы спрашивать их курс (об их направлении движения).

quiet - тихий, бесшумный, спокойный, уединённый

Sometimes she'd get into a quiet rage at his apparent indifference to her,
and tell him to his vacant face that he was being selfish.
Иногда, её охватывала тихая ярость из-за его очевидного безразличия к ней,
и говорила в его отсутствующее лицо, что он был эгоистом.

rail - перила, поручни; ограда, ограждение
rail - рельсы, железнодорожный путь

Tarzan stood leaning over the rail looking far out to sea.
Тарзан стоял, наклонившись над перилами, смотря далеко в море.

rain - дождь
mouth - рот
with a start - внезапно

a drink - напиток
to drink - пить

drink , drank, drunk, drinking

With a start he gained consciousness
to find himself wet through by
torrents of rain.
A heavy tropical shower was beating down
upon them.
He opened his mouth and drank.

Внезапно, он пришёл в сознание,
чтобы найти себя мокрым из-за
стремительных потоков дождя.
Сильный тропический ливень бил по ним.

Он открывал рот и пил.

to raise - поднимать, подниматься
to raise - поднимать, собирать деньги

to raise funds — консолидировать капиталы; формировать фонды

Weakly he managed to raise his head a little.
There was Sightblinder, lying just out of his reach.
Слабо, он смог поднять немного голову.
Ослепитель лежал как раз вне зоны его досягаемости.

range - диапазон, круг, область (определения)
mountain range — гряда гор, горная цепь

Riding swiftly into range they shot arrows at the Orcs
that straggled behind, and several of them fell.
Живенько въезжая в зону досягаемости, они выпустили стрелы в Орков,
бродивших позади, и несколько из них упали.

to read - читать, прочитать

read [ri:d] , read [red] , read [red] , reading [ri:ding]

I love to read tales about rats. They make my flesh creep so.
Я люблю читать истории о крысах. От них у меня волосы дыбом встают.

reason - разум, рассудок, благоразумие, здравый смысл
reason - причина, повод, основание

to reason - рассуждать, размышлять

little - маленький
less - меньший, меньше
least - наименьший, малейший

All right, you've got reason not to trust me. But at least give me a hearing.
Хорошо, у тебя есть причина не доверять мне. Но хотя бы выслушай меня.

a record - запись; регистрация, письменная фиксация
a record - рекорд, рекордное достижение
to record -

I went to the start line and took off.
I smashed the course record by 45 seconds.
Я подъехал к стартовой черте и стартовал.
Я разгромил рекорд (трассы) , улучшил на 45 секунд.

region - пространство, территория, область, зона
border region - пограничная область
mountainous region - горная область

There was blood coming from the region of his right ear,
and he was nursing his left arm with his right.
Кровь шла из области его правого уха,
и он охватывал его левую руку правой.

to repeat - повторять, повторяться

He is still a spy.
It is unnecessary to repeat the formality of a trial.
Он по прежнему шпион.
Нет необходимости повторять все формальности суда (судебные формальности).

Grammar Reference. Unit 7

7.2 Present Perfect or Past Simple?

1. The Present Perfect is for unfinished actions. The Past Simple is for completed actions. Compare:

Present Perfect Past Simple
I've lived in Texas for six years I lived in Texas for six years.
I still live there. Now I live somewhere else.

I've written several books. Shakespeare wrote 30 plays.
I can still write some more. He can't write any more.

We can see that the Present Perfect refers to indefinite time and the Past Simple refers to definite time by looking at the time expressions used with the different te


Present Perfect - indefinite Past Simple - definite
I've done it for a long time. I did it yesterday.
I've done it since July. I did it last week.
I've done it before. I did it two days ago.
I've done it recently. I did it at 8 o'clock.

I did it in 1999.
I've already done it. I did it when I was young.
I haven't done it yet. I did it for a long time.

Be careful with this morning / this afternoon, etc.

Have you seen Ann this morning? (It's still morning.)
Did you see Ann this morning? (It's the afternoon or evening.)

7.3 Present Perfect Simple passive

Form: have been / has been + past participle

It has been sold.

They have been sold.

Use: The uses are the same in the passive as in the active.

Two million cars have been produced so far this year. (unfinished past)

Has she ever been made redundant? (past experience)

"Have you heard

? Two hundred homes have been washed away by a tidal wave!" (present importance)

7.4 Phrasal verbs

There are four types of phrasal verbs. Types 1, 2, 3 can be literal or idiomatic. Type 4 are nearly always i


Type 1. Verb + particle (no object).

a. He put on his coat and went out.

b. I didn't put enough wood on fire and it went out.

In a, the verb a

nd particle are used literary. In b, they are used idiomatically. Go out means stop burning.

Examples with literal meaning:

Sit down.

She stood up and walked out.

Please go away.

She walked right

past the store without noticing it.

Examples with idiomatic meaning:

The marriage didn't work out. (= succeed)

Our plans fell through. (= fail)

Type 2. Verb +

particle + object (separable).

a. I put up the picture.

b. I put up my sister for the night.

In a, the verb and particle are used literary. In b, they are used idiomatically. Put up means give someone

food and place to sleep, usually for the night or few days.

Type 2 phrasal verbs are separable. The object (noun or pronoun) can some between the verb and the particle.

I put up the picture. I put the picture up.

I put up my si

ster. I put my sister up.

If the object is a pronoun, it always comes between the verb and the particle.

I put it up. NOT I put up it.

I put her up. NOT I put up her.

Examples of

a literal meaning:

The waiter took away the plates.

Don't throw it away.

They're pullin

g that old building down.

Examples with an idiomatic meaning:

I put off the meeting. (= postpone)

Don't let m

e down. (= disappoint)

Type 3. Verb + particle+ object (inseparable)

a. She came across the room.

b. She came across an old friend while she was out shopping.

In a, the ve

rb and particle are used literary. In b, they are used idiomatically. Come across means find by accident.

Type 3 phrasal verbs are inseparable. The object (noun or pronoun) always comes after the particle.

NOT She ca

me an old friend across. She came her across.

Examples with a literal meaning:

I'm lookin

g for Jane.

They ran across the park.

We drove past them.

Examples with an idiomatic meaning:

I'll look afte

r it for you. (= care for)

She takes after her father. (= resemble in features, build, character, or disposition)

He never got over the death of his wife. (= recover from)

Type 4. Verb + particle + particle

I get along

very well with my boss.

I'm looking forward to it.

How can you put up with that noise?

Type 4 phrasal verbs are nearly always idiomatic. The object cannot change position. It cannot

come before the particles or between the particles.

NOT I'm looking forward it to.

Dialog 71. Handshake Диалог 71. Рукопожатие.
or, Doctor, You’ve got to help me - I just can’t stop my hands shaking!"

"Do you drink a lot?"

"Not really - I spill most of it!" "Доктор, доктор, вы должны помочь мне - я не могу остановить мои руки - трясутся!"

"Вы пьёте много?"

"Не совсем - я проливаю большую часть."

Did you

go to the doctor?

Yes, but I made an appointment first.

I went to the doctor after I had made an appointment.

Ты ходил к врачу?

Да, но я сначала договорился о встрече ("сделал назначение").

Я сходил (ходил, отправился) к врачу после того, как записался (к нему).
Did the b
oss leave the office?

Yes, but he finished his work first.

He left the office after he had finished his work. Твой босс ушёл из офиса?

Да, но он сначала завершил работу.

Он покинул офис после того, как он закончил работу (он имел законченной).

The waiter asked the blonde if she would like her pizza
cut into six pieces or twelve.

"Six please" she said, "I could never eat twelve!" Официант спросил блондинку, хочет ли она пиццу разрезанную на шесть частей или на двенадцать.

"Шесть, пожалуйста", она сказала. "Я никогда не осилила бы двенадцать!"

Did your mother sweep the floor?

Yes, but she dusted the cupboard first.

She swep

t the floor after she had dusted the cupboard.

Твоя мама подмела пол?

Да, но она вытерла пыль со шкафа сначала.

Она подмела пол после того, как протёрла шкаф.
Did the children go to bed?

Yes, but they had a bath first.

The children went to bed after they had had a bath. Дети пошли спать (шли в кровать)?

Да, но сначала они приняли ванну.

Дети пошли спать после того, как приняли ванну.


ar 31

Verb. Participle


Стандартные способы образования причастий. Нестандартные формы смотрите в Таблице

неправильных глаголов.

Прошедшее время Причастие прошедшего времени Причастие настоящего времени Название действия Название профессии
to play played played playing playing player
Am En: играл, сыграл
игравший, проигранный играющий игра, играние игрок, проигрыватель

to form formed formed forming forming former
формировать формировал
Am En: формировал, сформировал
формировавший, сформированный формирующий, образующий формирование, отливка формировальщик, формовщик, создатель, изобретатель


ие причастия - как

1. Части сказуемого

Не is writing a book.

Он пишет книгу.

Он есть пиш


2. Определения

The playing boy is my son.


мальчик - мой сын.

The method used is not new.

Используемый метод - не нов.


нный метод не новый.

3. Обстоятельства

While rea

ding, he made notes.

Читая, он делал заметки.

В то время, как читая, читающий

Verb. Gerund.

Герундий представляет собой неличную форму глагола. Синтаксические функции герундия б

лизки функциям существительного

Использование неличных гл

агольных форм в функции

1. Подлежащего


this specialty is an indispensable thing.

Овладение этой специальностью - необходимая вещь.

2. Части сказуемого

Her duty is to answer all letters. (инфинит


Ее обязанность - отвечать на все письма.

3. Дополнения

He likes

to write with a ballpoint pen.

Он любит писать авторучкой.

I like studying English.

Мне нравится изучать (изучение) Английский.

4. Опр


I have brought you an interesting book to read.(


Я принес вам интересную книгу почитать.

I have an intention of reading this article as soon as possible.


Я намерен прочесть эту статью как можно скорее.
Я имею намерение прочтения...

5. Обстоятельства

They went there early to get good seats. (инфинит


пошли туда рано, чтобы получить хорошие места.
получать хорошие места

After returning to London he resumed his work.


После возвращения в Лондон он возобновил работу.

Grammar Reference. Unit 8

8.0 Introduction to conditionals

The are many different ways of making sentences with if. It's important to understand the difference between sentences that express real possibilities, and those that express unreal situatio


Real possibilities
If it rains, we'll stay home. if + Present Simple + will
If you've finished your work, you can go home. if + Present Perfect + modal auxiliary verb
If you'
re feeling ill, go home and get into bed.
If + Present Continuous + imperative

Unreal situations
You would understand me better if you came from my country.
would + if + Past Simple
If I were rich, I wouldn't have any problems. if + were + would
If I stopped smoking, I could run faster. if + Past Simple + modal auxiliary verb

There are several patterns that you need to know to understand the variations. Note that a comma is u

sual when the if clause comes first.

8.1 First conditional

Form: if + Present Simple + will


If I find your wallet, I'll let you know.
We'll come and see you on Sunday if the weather's good.

You won't pass the test if you don't study.
If you lose your ticket, you won't be able to go.


What will you do if you don't find a job?
If there isn't a hotel, where will you stay?

Note that we don't usually use will in the if clause.

NOT If you will leave now, you'll catch the train.
NOT If I'll go out tonight, I'll give you a call.

If can be replaced by unless (= if ... not) or in case (= because of the possibility ...).

Unless I hear from you, I'll come at 8:00.
I'll take my umbrella in case it rains.


1. First conditional sentences express a possible condition and its probable result in the future.

Condition (if clause) Result (result clause)
If I find a jumper in your size, I'll buy it for you.
If you can't do the homework, give me a call.
If you can find my purse, I might buy you an ice-cream.
If you've never been to Wales,
you should try to go there one day.

2. We can use the first conditional to express different functions (all of which express a possible condition and probable result).

If y
ou do that again, I'll kill you! (a threat)
Careful! If you touch that, you'll burn yourself! (a warning)
I'll post the letter if you like. (an offer)
f you lend me 100$, I'll love you forever. (a promise)

JRR Tolkien. Silmarillion.
14h 47min

Данное произведение, без сомнения, для энтузиастов. "Beware of the dwarves!" - иначе General Idea этого творения не передать.

Of Men

The Valar sat now behind their mountains at peace; and having given light to Middle-earth they left it for long untended, and the lordship of Morgoth was uncontested save by the valour of the Noldor. Most in mind Ulmo kept the exiles, who gathered news of the Earth through all the waters.

From this time forth were reckoned the Years of the Sun. Swifter and briefer are they than the long Years of the Trees in Valinor. In that time the air of Middle-earth became heavy with the breath of growth and mortality, and the changing and ageing of all things was hastened exceedingly; life teemed upon the soil and in the waters in the Second Spring of Arda, and the Eldar increased, and beneath the new Sun Beleriand grew green and fair.

At the first rising of the Sun the Younger Children of Ilúvatar awoke in the land of Hildórien in the eastward regions of Middle-earth; but the first Sun arose in the West, and the opening eyes of Men were turned towards it, and their feet as they wandered over the Earth for the most part strayed that way. The Atani they were named by the Eldar, the Second People; but they called them also Hildor, the Followers, and many other names: Apanónar, the After-born, Engwar, the Sickly, and Fírimar, the Mortals; and they named them the Usurpers, the Strangers, and the Inscrutable, the Self-cursed, the Heavy-handed, the Night-fearers, the Children of the Sun. Of Men little is told in these tales, which concern the Eldest Days before the waxing of mortals and the waning of the Elves, save of those fathers of men, the Atanatári, who in the first years of the Sun and Moon wandered into the North of the world. To Hildórien there came no Vala to guide Men, or to summon them to dwell in Valinor; and Men have feared the Valar, rather than loved them, and have not understood the purposes of the Powers, being at variance with them, and at strife with the world. Ulmo nonetheless took thought for them aiding the counsel and will of Manwë; and his messages came often to them by stream and flood. But they have not skill in such matters, and still less had they in those days before they had mingled with the Elves. Therefore they loved the waters, and their hearts were stirred, but they understood not the messages. Yet it is told that ere long they met Dark Elves in many places, and were befriended by them; and Men became the companions and disciples in their childhood of these ancient folk, wanderers of the Elven-race who never set out upon the paths to Valinor, and knew of the Valar only as a rumour and a distant name.