Lesson 37
sleep - сон; дремота
to induce sleep — вызывать сон
fire - огонь, пламя, костёр
to induce sleep — вызывать сон
to sleep - засыпать, спать
sleep, slept, slept, sleeping
to drop
- снижаться, понижаться, уменьшаться, падать; кончаться, прекращаться; fire - огонь, пламя, костёр
I remember that as I dropped off to sleep my last recollection was
Challenger was squatting, like a monstrous bull-frog, by the fire. Я помню, что когда я засыпал (отрубался в сон), моё последнее воспоминание было,
что Челленджер сидел на корточках, как огромная лягушка-бык, около костра.
что Челленджер сидел на корточках, как огромная лягушка-бык, около костра.
a drop - капля
to drop - капать
possible - возможный, вероятный
possibility - вероятность, возможность
to drop - капать
possible - возможный, вероятный
possibility - вероятность, возможность
"From a drop of water," said the writer, "a logician could
infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara
without having seen or heard of one or the other.
infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara
without having seen or heard of one or the other.
"Из капли воды", сказал писатель, "логик мог бы
заключить возможность Атлантики или Ниагары,
не видя (ранее) или слыша об одном или другом.
заключить возможность Атлантики или Ниагары,
не видя (ранее) или слыша об одном или другом.
subtract - вычитать
I ask myself, where is the man, the very, very inmost
essence of the man?
See how much you may subtract from
him without touching it.
Я спрашиваю себя, где человек, самая основная (наиболее внутренняя)
сущность человека?
Увидеть, как много можно убрать (вычесть) из него, не трогая её (сущность).
сущность человека?
Увидеть, как много можно убрать (вычесть) из него, не трогая её (сущность).
during - в течение, в продолжение; во время
- ветвь, ветка; подразделение, отдел Several times
during the evening I heard her murmur complacentlythat they were only the cadet branch.
Несколько раз в течении вечера я слышал её бормочущую самодовольно,
что они были всего лишь кадетским подразделением.
что они были всего лишь кадетским подразделением.
gold - золото;
золотой ; сокровища, деньгиsilver - серебро, серебрянный ; деньги ; изделия из серебра
condition - условие ; положение, состояние
I bought her a gold bangle,
so behold me reduced at once to my usual empty pocketed condition.
so behold me reduced at once to my usual empty pocketed condition.
Я купил ей золотой браслет,
и вот воззри меня, редуцированным (уменьшенным) немедленно до моего обычного "пустые карманы" состояния.
и вот воззри меня, редуцированным (уменьшенным) немедленно до моего обычного "пустые карманы" состояния.
He undid a string, and in an instant a pile of gold and silver rattled down upon the cloth,
the coins whirling and clinking among the dishes.
the coins whirling and clinking among the dishes.
Он развязал верёвку, и в мгновение куча золота и серебра загремела на скатерти,
монеты кружась и звякая между мисок.
монеты кружась и звякая между мисок.
common - обычный, простой
common soldier - обычный солдат, рядовой
common - общий, всеобщий
common good - общественное благо
common soldier - обычный солдат, рядовой
common - общий, всеобщий
common good - общественное благо
case - случай; обстоятельство, положение; дело, история
You know that such cases are common enough in surgery,
and that no pathological museum is without an example.
and that no pathological museum is without an example.
Вы знаете, что такие случаи достаточно обычны в хирургии,
и что ни один патологический музей не является без одного примера.
и что ни один патологический музей не является без одного примера.
position - положение, местоположение; место; позиция
to position - помещать, ставить; располагать
to position, to locate - определять местоположение
to position - помещать, ставить; располагать
to position, to locate - определять местоположение
I'm awfully sorry, gentlemen; but it really is not my fault.
You see the position I'm in. Don't blame me.
You see the position I'm in. Don't blame me.
Я ужасно извиняюсь, джентльмены, но это на самом деле не моя вина.
Вы видите состояние, в котором я. Не вините меня.
Вы видите состояние, в котором я. Не вините меня.
king - король
We shall then compel the King of Aragon to place our good friend
and brother James of Majorca upon the throne.
and brother James of Majorca upon the throne.
Мы должны в этом случае заставить короля Арагона поместить нашего доброго друга
и брата Джеймса из Майорки на трон.
и брата Джеймса из Майорки на трон.
exact - точный; строгий, верный
copy - копия, экземпляр
to copy - копировать, тиражировать
copy, copied, copied , copying
copy - копия, экземпляр
to copy - копировать, тиражировать
copy, copied, copied , copying
Only give exact copies of it.
Among other things,
this requires that you do not remove, alter or modify
the etext or this "small print!" statement.
Among other things,
this requires that you do not remove, alter or modify
the etext or this "small print!" statement.
Только распространяйте (давайте) точные копии его.
Среди других вещей,
это требует, чтобы вы не удаляли, изменяли, или модифицировали
(этот) электронный текст или это "маленькими буквами" заявление.
Среди других вещей,
это требует, чтобы вы не удаляли, изменяли, или модифицировали
(этот) электронный текст или это "маленькими буквами" заявление.
atom - атом, мельчайшая частица вещества
molecule - молекула
molecule - молекула
The atom was part of a molecule. The molecule was part of a nucleic acid.
The nucleic acid was part of a gene.
The nucleic acid was part of a gene.
Атом был частью молекулы. Молекула была частью нуклеиновой кислоты.
Нуклеиновая кислота была частью гена.
Нуклеиновая кислота была частью гена.
sister - сестра
Sister says you'll probably be discharged
this evening so you can go to your own home and sleep in your own bed.
this evening so you can go to your own home and sleep in your own bed.
Сестра говорит, что ты вероятно будешь освобождена (от обязанностей)
этим вечером так что ты можешь идти в себе домой ("в твой собственный дом") и спать в твоей собственной кровати.
этим вечером так что ты можешь идти в себе домой ("в твой собственный дом") и спать в твоей собственной кровати.
story - повесть, рассказ, история; сказка
It is, however, pretty well proved
that this story ought to be ranked among the legends of the middle ages.
that this story ought to be ranked among the legends of the middle ages.
Это, однако, прекрасно доказало,
что эта история должна быть отнесена к разряду легенд средних веков.
что эта история должна быть отнесена к разряду легенд средних веков.
story, storey - этаж; ярус
In front of this lay the one-storey modern concourse
which was already far shabbier than the building, a hundred years its senior.
which was already far shabbier than the building, a hundred years its senior.
Перед ним лежал одноэтажный современный вестибюль (вокзала),
который был уже гораздо обтрёпаней, чем здание, на сто лет его старше.
который был уже гораздо обтрёпаней, чем здание, на сто лет его старше.
danger - опасность
catch - ловить; поймать; схватывать
catch, caught, caught, catching
catch - ловить; поймать; схватывать
catch, caught, caught, catching
At least, you avoid all danger of catching the half-baked thing
upon your head instead of in the pan.
upon your head instead of in the pan.
По меньшей мере, ты избегаешь опасности поймать недожаренную рыбину
на свою голову, вместо сковороды.
на свою голову, вместо сковороды.
break - ломание, раскалывание, разбивание
break - отрыв, прорыв (букв. и переносн.)
to break - ломать, разбивать (на части) ; разрушать
break, broke, broken, breaking
break - отрыв, прорыв (букв. и переносн.)
to break - ломать, разбивать (на части) ; разрушать
break, broke, broken, breaking
gray, grey - серый
There was nothing to break the lines of the horizon
but a group of gaunt grey stones, the remains, so he told himself,
of some ancient menhir.
but a group of gaunt grey stones, the remains, so he told himself,
of some ancient menhir.
Не было ничего, что нарушало линии горизонта,
но (только) группа мрачных серых камней, остатков, так он себе сказал,
какого-то древнего менгира.
но (только) группа мрачных серых камней, остатков, так он себе сказал,
какого-то древнего менгира.
either - любой (из двух); один из двух; и тот и другой; оба; каждый
neither - ни тот, ни другой
neither - ни тот, ни другой
Either they had not heard of the case
or had not wished to have their names dragged into it.
or had not wished to have their names dragged into it.
Либо они не слыхали об этом случае,
либо не желали, чтобы их имена были впутаны в него.
либо не желали, чтобы их имена были впутаны в него.
Neither of them spoke. Somehow it did not seem to be needed.
Никто из них не говорил. Каким-то образом это казалось без необходимости.
hurry - суматоха, суета, спешка
to hurry - спешить; торопить, подгонять
matter - вопрос, дело; вещество, содержание
to hurry - спешить; торопить, подгонять
matter - вопрос, дело; вещество, содержание
Let us privileged ones hurry to the great banqueting-room
and have a glance at matters there
whilst Tom is being made ready for the imposing occasion.
and have a glance at matters there
whilst Tom is being made ready for the imposing occasion.
Поспешим же мы, привилегированные, в большую праздничную (банкетную) комнату
и взглянем на обстановку там,
пока Том готовится к жульническому явлению / величественному торжеству.
и взглянем на обстановку там,
пока Том готовится к жульническому явлению / величественному торжеству.
magnet - магнит
master - хозяин, владелец; господин
master - хозяин, владелец; господин
draw - тяга, волочение; вытягивание
to draw - 1. тащить, волочить; тянуть; притягивать
to draw - 2. рисовать
draw, drawn, drawn, drawing
to draw - 1. тащить, волочить; тянуть; притягивать
to draw - 2. рисовать
draw, drawn, drawn, drawing
place - место, местоположение ; пространство, протяженность
to draw a line - проводить линию, чертить линию
They were no longer masters of themselves,
and an irresistible attraction drew them towards this mysterious place as the magnet draws iron.
and an irresistible attraction drew them towards this mysterious place as the magnet draws iron.
Они более не владели собой (не были хозяевами самих себя),
непреодолимое влечение тянуло их к таинственному месту, как магнит притягивает железо.
непреодолимое влечение тянуло их к таинственному месту, как магнит притягивает железо.
tiny - очень маленький, крошечный
tiny little doggy - махонький, крохотный песик
tiny little doggy - махонький, крохотный песик
to build - строить, возводить
build, built, built, building
build, built, built, building
building - здание, постройка; сооружение
The enormously thick walls and tiny windows of this part
had in the last century driven the family into building the new wing.
had in the last century driven the family into building the new wing.
Чудовищно толстые стены, крохотные окошки этой части (постройки)
в последнее столетие побудили семью построить новое крыло.
в последнее столетие побудили семью построить новое крыло.
"волочили семью в постройку" - had driven the family into building
tire - женский головной убор
attire - пышное облачение, одеяние, наряд, платье
attire - пышное облачение, одеяние, наряд, платье
a notice - извещение, сообщение, уведомление; предупреждение
dismissal notice - уведомление об увольнении
to note - замечать, обращать внимание; упоминать
note, noted, noted, noting
note, noted, noted, noting
Between and a little in front of them on a stool,
sat a slim, dark young man, whose quiet attire and modest manner
would scarce proclaim him to be the most noted prince in Europe.
sat a slim, dark young man, whose quiet attire and modest manner
would scarce proclaim him to be the most noted prince in Europe.
Между и немного впереди от них на стуле,
сидел стройный, тёмный молодой человек, чьё спокойное облачение и скромные манеры
вряд ли бы указали ("объявили его быть") самым заметным принцем в Европе.
сидел стройный, тёмный молодой человек, чьё спокойное облачение и скромные манеры
вряд ли бы указали ("объявили его быть") самым заметным принцем в Европе.
to tire - уставать, утомляться
He said that he was beginning to tire a little.
Он сказал, что он начал уставать слегка.
Он сказал, что он начал уставать слегка.
melody - мелодия, напев; музыкальная тем
haunting melody — навязчивая мелодия
haunting melody — навязчивая мелодия
He was perhaps singing softly,
as if the melody were
a natural emanation of his thoughts. Он возможно напевал потихоньку,
как будто мелодия была естественным излучением его мыслей.
как будто мелодия была естественным излучением его мыслей.
phrase - фраза, выражение
colloquial phrase — разговорное выражение
empty phrase — пустая фраза
This curious phrase he pronounced
as if it were all one
colloquial phrase — разговорное выражение
empty phrase — пустая фраза
This curious phrase he pronounced
as if it were all one
Чудную фразу он произносил
как будто это было одно слово - "молодойприятельмойпаренёк"
как будто это было одно слово - "молодойприятельмойпаренёк"
Dialog 74. Spit it out! | Диалог 74. Выплюнь! |
One day an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walked into a pub together. They each bought a pint of Guinness. Just as they were about to enjoy their drinks, three flies landed in each of their pints, and were stuck in the thick head. |
The Englishman pushed his beer away in disgust. |
The Scotsman fished the fly out of his beer, and continued drinking it, as if nothing had happened. |
The Irishman, too, picked the fly out of his drink, held it out over the beer, and started yelling, "Spit it out! Spit it out you bastard!" | Однажды, англичанин, шотландец и ирландец зашли в паб вместе. Каждый купил пинту Гиннесса. Прямо перед тем, как они собирались насладиться их напитками, три мухи приземлились в каждую кружку и застряли в густой пене.Англичанин оттолкнул его пиво с отвращением. Шотландец выудил муху из своего пива и продолжил пить, как будто ничего не случилось. Ирландец, также вытащил муху из пива, поднял её над пивом, и закричал: "Выплюнь, выплюнь, скотина!" |
I must go by air. What about you? |
I have to go by air, too. | Я должен отправиться по воздуху. А ты? |
Я должен полететь, также. |
I don't have to get up early tomorrow. What about you? |
I needn't get up early, either. | Я не должен вставать рано завтра. А ты? |
Я не должен вставать рано, также. |
Mary doesn't have to be there early. What about Alice? |
She needn't be there early, either. | Мария не должна быть там рано. А (что касается) Алисы? |
Она не должна быть там заранее, также. | |
One Sunday morning, everyone in a town goes to their local church. |
Suddenly, at the altar, Satan appears. |
Everyone ran away, except for one man. |
Satan walks up to the man and says, "Hey, don't you know who I am?" |
The man says, "Yep, sure do." |
Satan says, "Well, aren't you afraid of me?" |
The man says, "Nope, sure ain't. I've been married to your sister for 20 years." | Одним воскресным утром, все в городе отправляются в местную церковь. |
Внезапно, за алтарём, Дьявол появляется. |
Все убежали, за исключением одного мужика. |
Сатана подходит к мужику и спрашивает, "Эй, не знаешь, кто я такой?" |
Мужик говорит: "Угу, знаю." |
Сатана: "Ладно, и ты не боишься меня?" |
Мужик: "Неа, точно нет. Я был женат на твоей сестре 20 лет." | |
I must catch that bus. What about you? |
I have to catch that bus, too. | Я должен "поймать" этот автобус. А ты? |
Я также должен успеть на этот автобус. |
Peter must decide immediately. What about George? |
He has to decide immediately, too. | Петя должен определиться немедленно. А Джордж? |
Он также должен определиться немедленно. |
I don't have to take a taxi. What about you? |
I needn't take a taxi, either. | Я не обязан брать такси. А ты? |
Мне не нужно такси, также. |
Grammar 34
В предложении числительные могут стоять в роли:
1. Подлежащего | |
The are five books. Two are lying under the table. | Имеются пять книг. Две (книги) лежат под столом. |
Two of them went there. | Двое из них пошли туда. |
The first was my friend. | Первый ("этот первый") был моим другом. |
2. Части сказуемого | |
They were five. | Их было пятеро. |
She was the first to do it. | Она была первой, кто сделал это. |
3. Дополнения | |
How many papers has he written? He has written five. | Сколько он написал листов? Он написал пять (листов). |
Of the two books I read, I liked the second better. | Из двух книг, которые я прочитал, вторая мне понравилась больше. |
4. Определения | |
We have seen three horror films. | Мы просмотрели три фильма ужасов. |
This is my seventh paper. | Это мой седьмой лист. |
Grammar Reference. Unit 9
9.2 Expressing possibility / probability : The past
The perfect infinitive
Must / could / can't / might + have + past participle express degrees of probability in the past.
He must have been exhausted.
She can't have told him about us yet.
He might have got lost.
They could have moved house.
The continuous infinitive
Must / could / can't / might + have been + ing make the continuous forms in the past.
She must have been joking.
They can't have been trying very hard.
He could have been lying to you.
9.3 Asking about possibilities
To ask about possibility / probability we usually use Do you think ... ? Question forms with modal verbs of probability are unusual.
"Do you think she's married?" "She can't be."
"Where do you think he's from?" "He might be Spanish or Portuguese."
"Do you think they've arrived yet?" "They may have. Or they might have got stuck in the traffic."
9.4 So do I! Neither do I!
When we agree or disagree using So ... I / Neither ... I, we repeat the auxiliary verbs. If there is no auxiliary, use do / does /did. Be careful with sentence stress.
9.5 too and either / neither
We express that we have the same ideas as somebody else by using too and either / neither. With too and either we repeat the auxiliary verbs or, if there is not auxiliary, use do / does / did.
I like ice-cream. I do, too. Me too.
I have always studied hard. I have too. Me too.
I don't like working. I don't, either. Me neither.
I can't play a musical instrument. I can't, either. Me neither.
Grammar Reference. Unit 10
10.0 Continuous forms
Remember, the following ideas are expressed by all continuous forms:
1. Activity in progress.
Be quiet! I'm thinking.
I was having a shower when the phone rang.
I've been working since 9 o'clock this morning.
2. Temporary activity.
We're staying with friends until we find a place of our own.
We've been living with them for six weeks.
3. Possibly incomplete activity.
I'm writing a report. I have finished it by tomorrow.
Who's been eating my sandwich?
10.1 Present Perfect Continuous
Positive and negative forms
I've been working.
We haven't been working.
You've been working.
She's been working.
He hasn't been working.
How long have you been working?
How long has she been working?
We use the Present Perfect Continuous to express:
1. An activity that began in the past and is continuing now.
I've been studying English for three years.
How long have you been working here?
Sometimes there is no difference between the simple and the continuous.
I've played the piano since I was a boy.
I've been playing the piano since I was a boy.
If the continuous is possible, English has a preference for using it.
The continuous can sometimes express a temporary activity, and the simple a permanent state.
I've been living in this house for the past few months. (temporary)
I've lived here all my life. (permanent)
Remember that state verbs rarely take the continuous form.
I've had this book for ages.
I've always loved sunny days.
2. A past activity that has caused a present result.
I've been working all day. (I'm tired now.)
Have you been crying? (Your eyes are red.)
Roger's been cutting the grass. (I can smell it.)
The past activity might be finished or it might not. The context usually makes this clear.
Look out of the window! It's been snowing! (It has stopped snowing now.)
I've been writing this book for two years. (It still isn't finished.)
I'm covered in paint because I've been decorating the bathroom. (It might be finished or it might be not. We don't know.)
10.2 Present Perfect Simple or Continuous
1. The simple expresses a completed action.
I've painted the kitchen, and now I'm doing the bathroom.
The continuous expresses an activity over a period and things that happened during the activity.
I've got paint in my hair because I've been decoration.
Because the Simple expresses a completed action, we use it if the sentence gives a number or quantity. Here, the Continuous isn't possible.
I've been reading all day. I've read ten chapters.
She's been eating ever since the arrival. She's eaten ten biscuits already.
2. Some verbs don't have the idea of a long time, for example, find, start, buy, die, lose, break, stop. These verbs are more usually found in the simple.
Some verbs have the idea of a long time, for example, wait, work, play, try, learn, rain. These verbs are often found in the continuous.
I've cut my finger. (One short action.)
I've been cutting firewood. (Perhaps over several hours.)
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The perfect infinitive
Must / could / can't / might + have + past participle express degrees of probability in the past.
He must have been exhausted.
She can't have told him about us yet.
He might have got lost.
They could have moved house.
The continuous infinitive
Must / could / can't / might + have been + ing make the continuous forms in the past.
She must have been joking.
They can't have been trying very hard.
He could have been lying to you.
9.3 Asking about possibilities
To ask about possibility / probability we usually use Do you think ... ? Question forms with modal verbs of probability are unusual.
"Do you think she's married?" "She can't be."
"Where do you think he's from?" "He might be Spanish or Portuguese."
"Do you think they've arrived yet?" "They may have. Or they might have got stuck in the traffic."
9.4 So do I! Neither do I!
When we agree or disagree using So ... I / Neither ... I, we repeat the auxiliary verbs. If there is no auxiliary, use do / does /did. Be careful with sentence stress.
Agreeing | Disagreeing | ||
I like ice-cream. | So do I. | I don't like Mary. | I do. |
I'm wearing jeans. | So am I. | We're going now. | We aren't. |
I can swim. | So can I. | I can speak Polish. | I can't. |
I went out. | So did I. | I haven't been skiing. | I have. |
I don't like working. | Neither do I. | I like blue cheese. | I don't. |
I can't drive. | Neither can I. | I saw Pat yesterday. | I didn't. |
I haven't been to Paris. | Neither have I. | I'm going to have some coffee. | I'm not. |
9.5 too and either / neither
We express that we have the same ideas as somebody else by using too and either / neither. With too and either we repeat the auxiliary verbs or, if there is not auxiliary, use do / does / did.
I like ice-cream. I do, too. Me too.
I have always studied hard. I have too. Me too.
I don't like working. I don't, either. Me neither.
I can't play a musical instrument. I can't, either. Me neither.
Grammar Reference. Unit 10
10.0 Continuous forms
Remember, the following ideas are expressed by all continuous forms:
1. Activity in progress.
Be quiet! I'm thinking.
I was having a shower when the phone rang.
I've been working since 9 o'clock this morning.
2. Temporary activity.
We're staying with friends until we find a place of our own.
We've been living with them for six weeks.
3. Possibly incomplete activity.
I'm writing a report. I have finished it by tomorrow.
Who's been eating my sandwich?
10.1 Present Perfect Continuous
Positive and negative forms
I've been working.
We haven't been working.
You've been working.
She's been working.
He hasn't been working.
How long have you been working?
How long has she been working?
We use the Present Perfect Continuous to express:
1. An activity that began in the past and is continuing now.
I've been studying English for three years.
How long have you been working here?
Sometimes there is no difference between the simple and the continuous.
I've played the piano since I was a boy.
I've been playing the piano since I was a boy.
If the continuous is possible, English has a preference for using it.
The continuous can sometimes express a temporary activity, and the simple a permanent state.
I've been living in this house for the past few months. (temporary)
I've lived here all my life. (permanent)
Remember that state verbs rarely take the continuous form.
I've had this book for ages.
I've always loved sunny days.
2. A past activity that has caused a present result.
I've been working all day. (I'm tired now.)
Have you been crying? (Your eyes are red.)
Roger's been cutting the grass. (I can smell it.)
The past activity might be finished or it might not. The context usually makes this clear.
Look out of the window! It's been snowing! (It has stopped snowing now.)
I've been writing this book for two years. (It still isn't finished.)
I'm covered in paint because I've been decorating the bathroom. (It might be finished or it might be not. We don't know.)
10.2 Present Perfect Simple or Continuous
1. The simple expresses a completed action.
I've painted the kitchen, and now I'm doing the bathroom.
The continuous expresses an activity over a period and things that happened during the activity.
I've got paint in my hair because I've been decoration.
Because the Simple expresses a completed action, we use it if the sentence gives a number or quantity. Here, the Continuous isn't possible.
I've been reading all day. I've read ten chapters.
She's been eating ever since the arrival. She's eaten ten biscuits already.
2. Some verbs don't have the idea of a long time, for example, find, start, buy, die, lose, break, stop. These verbs are more usually found in the simple.
Some verbs have the idea of a long time, for example, wait, work, play, try, learn, rain. These verbs are often found in the continuous.
I've cut my finger. (One short action.)
I've been cutting firewood. (Perhaps over several hours.)
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