Идиомы - устойчивые выражения и словосочетания.

apple of (someone's) eye - чей-либо любимчик (зеница ока).

Kelly's little son is the apple of her eye.

as plain as the nose on one's face - совершенно очевидно.

The cause of the accident was clearly evident; it was as plain as the nose on my face.

assault the ears - быть очень громким, "бить по ушам".

Our neighbors always play very loud music, and it assaults the ears.

bottom line - чистая прибыль после налогообложения, итоговый результат.

Before we decided to invest in the company we examined the bottom line of it.

pull up one's socks - - напрячь силы, подтянуться.

"If I were you, I'd pull my socks up, or you will not be able to continue taking this class."

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