Real Estate Revival Confirmed by Data

Official data has confirmed the revival on the Moscow real estate market that market participants have been talking about for several months.

In March and April, there were nearly twice as many apartment sales on the secondhand market than in January and February: 9,124 compared with 4,626, respectively, according to data from the Moscow branch of the Federal Registration Service.

"The March-April figures reflect the demand bubble that we recorded in February-March," said Dmitry Taganov, director of Inkom's analytic center.

"And the lower indicators in January-February reflect the fall in demand at the end of last year," he said.

Without question, there are more sales now compared with January and February, said Grigory Poltorak, president of Best Realty. "People are recovering: They were promised housing for next to nothing, but the miracle never happened, and sellers aren't significantly lowering their prices," he said.



real estate - недвижимость

revival - возрождение

confirm - подтвердить

data – данные, факты

participant – участник

respectively - соответственно (в указанном порядке)

according to - со слов

branch - филиал

reflect - отражать

recover - оправляться, приходить в себя


At the bank

James: Good morning, sir, what can I do for You?
Доброе утро, сэр, чем я могу быть Вам полезен?

Adam: I'd like to cash this cheque, please.
Я хотел бы обналичить этот чек.

J: Certainly, sir. It is for seventy five pounds. But sir, the check needs to be signed before it can be cashed. Could I have your signature here, please.
Конечно, сэр. Он на семьдксят пять фунтов. Но сэр, чек должен быть подписан прежде чем он может быть обналичен. Не могли бы вы поставить свою подпись здесь.

A: Oh yes, of cource, my apologies. Here you are.
Ах да, конечно, извините. Вот, пожалуйста.

J: Thank you, sir.
Спасибо, сэр.

A: And could I please get the money in smaller bills?
И нельзя ли получить деньги купюрами поменьше?

J: How about 2 twenties, 2 tens and 3 fives?
Вам подойдут две двадцатки, две десятки и три пятёрки?

A: Yes, that sounds good.
Да, вполне подойдут.

J: Is there anything else I could help You with, sir?
Что-нибудь ещё, чем я мог бы помочь Вам, сэр?

A: No, not today, thank you. Have a good day.
Нет, не сегодня, спасибо. Всего хорошего.

J: Good day to You too, sir.
И Вам тоже, сэр.


Taxes (3)

tax - an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc, that is used to pay for public services. (налог, пошлина, сбор)

indirect tax – a tax on goods or services that are bought, rather than on the income that people and companies earn. (косвенный налог)

input tax tax added to a buyer's bill when buying particular goods or services. At regular periods of time the buyer adds up the input tax from all their bills and takes the total away from the tax they have charged buyers of their products or services to arrive at a final value-added tax figure which they must pay to the government. (налог на закупленные товары)

local tax – a tax paid to a local government authority, rather than to central government, that helps pay for public services such as education, health, waste collection etc. (местный налог)

luxury tax - tax on special goods that peuple do not really need but that are pleasant and enjoyable. (налог на предметы роскоши)

progressive tax - a tax that is charged at an increasing rate as income increases. (прогрессивный налог)

output tax – tax that a seller adds to a buyer's bill when they sell particular goods or services. At regular periods of time, the total tax they have paid when buying goods and services themselves is taken away from the total output taxes they have paid to arrive at a value-added tax figure that they must pay to the government. (налог на объём производства)

payroll tax – tax taken from someone's wages, for example income tax. (налог на заработную плату)


cu. : cubic

cur : currency

cwo : cash with order
оплата при заказе

cwt : hundredweight

d : dividend

The Future Landscape of the Russian Stock Market

The crisis will fade away one day. On that day, companies will start forecasting year-on-year earnings growth instead of growing declines. The stock market will survive, but its landscape is likely to change significantly.

Looking at the Russian stock market 10 years from now we are likely to see new sectors and stocks. Some sectors will become bigger and more important, and some sectors will lose its share in total capitalization. The new stocks will come to the market via IPOs, private placements and sales.

The banking sector is likely to get a higher weight in total market cap of the Russian market. The weight of banks in the total market cap of developed countries is roughly 20 percent. It is approximately the same weight in the emerging markets. In Russia, only about 40 percent of the banking sector is traded on the stock exchange. The rest are privately held banks. This will change in 10 years. One of the factors that will facilitate banks taking a larger share of the total market cap will be the purchase of lots of distressed assets, which will cost many times more what they do now.



landscape - перспектива

stock market - фондовая биржа

fade away - постепенно исчезать

forecast – предсказывать

earnings – прибыль

significantly - значительно

likely - вероятно, насколько можно ожидать

sector - сектор

stocks - акции

capitalization - капитализация, превращение в капитал

via - посредством

IPO = initial public offering- первичное публичное предложение, публичное размещение акций на бирже

market cap = market capitalization - рыночная капитализация

developed - развитый

emerging - развивающийся

facilitate - способствовать

distressed - бедствующий

assets - активы


Money Transfer

Rojer: Good morning Mam, how can I help You?
Здравствуйте Мэм, чем я могу Вам помочь?

Elanor: Hello. My name is Gabel, Elanor Gabel. There should be a money transfer for me.
Здравствуйте. Меня зовут Гэбель, Эланор Гэбель. Мне должен был прийти перевод.

R: By post, cable, or telex Ms. Gabel?
Почтовый, телеграммой, или телексом Мис. Гэбель?

E: By telex.

R: And where is it coming from? What bank and who sent it?
И откуда он? Из какого банка и кто его оформил?

E: I did. It is coming from the Central bank in Toronto.
Я. Из Центрального банка в Торонто.

R: Yes, here it is. A transfer for 500 dollars. Could I have some identification, please?
Да, вот он. Перевод на 500 долларов. Можно документ удостоверяющий личность, пожалуйста?

E: Yes, here it is.
Да, вот, пожалуйста.

R: Thank you. Please, fill out this form. Are You familiar with it?
Спасибо. Пожалуйста, заполните этот бланк. Он Вам знаком?

E: Yes, thank you.
Да, спасибо.

R: Very good. Now, please sign here and here. Here is your passport.
Очень хорошо. Теперь, пожалуйста, распишитесь здесь и здесь. Вот Ваш паспорт.


Taxes (2)

tax - an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc, that is used to pay for public services. (налог, пошлина, сбор)

flat tax (= flat-rate tax) – a tax at one fixed rate for all levels and types of income, with no tax allowances. (налог, взымаемый по единой ставке, пропорциональный, фиксированный налог)

tax allowance - 1. an amount of money that a person can earn without paying tax on it. 2. an amount that can be taken off a business's profit figure when calculating tax. Allowances are often used to encourage particular business decisions, such as spending on new machinery. (льготы на налог)

goods and services tax (GST) – a type of value-added tax charged on goods and services in some countries. (налог на товары и услуги)

value-added tax (VAT) - a tax on some goods and services. Businesses pay value-added tax on most goods and services they buy and if they are VAT registered, charge value-added taxs on the goods and services they sell. At regular periods of time, the total amount of tax paid is taken away from the total amount charged to arrive at an amount that is owed to or by the business. Final customers pay VAT on these goods in shops and on services. VAT is a way of charging tax on the increase in value of goods and services at each stage as they are produced, rather than just on their final selling price to customers. (налог на добавленную стоимость (НДС))

graduated tax - income tax that rises in stages according to a taxpayer's incomes. For example it may be 20% for the first $4100 income, 23% for the next $22000, and 40% for the rest. (прогрессивный налог)

head tax (= poll tax) – a tax paid by every person in a country at the same rate, whatever their income. (подушный налог)

hypothecated tax – a tax where they money obtained, or part of the money obtained, is used for a particular purpose, rather than spent on a number of things. (закрепленный налог)


c/o : care of
под опекой

COD : cash on delivery
наложенный платёж

col. : column

COO : Chief Operating Officer
исполнительный директор

corp. : corporation

The Future Landscape of the Russian Stock Market

The crisis will fade away one day. On that day, companies will start forecasting year-on-year earnings growth instead of growing declines. The stock market will survive, but its landscape is likely to change significantly.

Looking at the Russian stock market 10 years from now we are likely to see new sectors and stocks. Some sectors will become bigger and more important, and some sectors will lose its share in total capitalization. The new stocks will come to the market via IPOs, private placements and sales.

The banking sector is likely to get a higher weight in total market cap of the Russian market. The weight of banks in the total market cap of developed countries is roughly 20 percent. It is approximately the same weight in the emerging markets. In Russia, only about 40 percent of the banking sector is traded on the stock exchange. The rest are privately held banks. This will change in 10 years. One of the factors that will facilitate banks taking a larger share of the total market cap will be the purchase of lots of distressed assets, which will cost many times more what they do now.


landscape - перспектива

stock market - фондовая биржа

fade away - постепенно исчезать

forecast – предсказывать

earnings – прибыль

significantly - значительно

likely - вероятно, насколько можно ожидать

sector - сектор

stocks - акции

capitalization - капитализация, превращение в капитал

via - посредством

IPO = initial public offering- первичное публичное предложение, публичное размещение акций на бирже

market cap = market capitalization - рыночная капитализация

developed - развитый

emerging - развивающийся

facilitate - способствовать

distressed - бедствующий

assets - активы
Money Transfer

Rojer: Good morning Mam, how can I help You?
Здравствуйте Мэм, чем я могу Вам помочь?

Elanor: Hello. My name is Gabel, Elanor Gabel. There should be a money transfer for me.
Здравствуйте. Меня зовут Гэбель, Эланор Гэбель. Мне должен был прийти перевод.

R: By post, cable, or telex Ms. Gabel?
Почтовый, телеграммой, или телексом Мис. Гэбель?

E: By telex.

R: And where is it coming from? What bank and who sent it?
И откуда он? Из какого банка и кто его оформил?

E: I did. It is coming from the Central bank in Toronto.
Я. Из Центрального банка в Торонто.

R: Yes, here it is. A transfer for 500 dollars. Could I have some identification, please?
Да, вот он. Перевод на 500 долларов. Можно документ удостоверяющий личность, пожалуйста?

E: Yes, here it is.
Да, вот, пожалуйста.

R: Thank you. Please, fill out this form. Are You familiar with it?
Спасибо. Пожалуйста, заполните этот бланк. Он Вам знаком?

E: Yes, thank you.
Да, спасибо.

R: Very good. Now, please sign here and here. Here is your passport.
Очень хорошо. Теперь, пожалуйста, распишитесь здесь и здесь. Вот Ваш паспорт.
Taxes (2)

tax - an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc, that is used to pay for public services. (налог, пошлина, сбор)

flat tax (= flat-rate tax) – a tax at one fixed rate for all levels and types of income, with no tax allowances. (налог, взымаемый по единой ставке, пропорциональный, фиксированный налог)

tax allowance - 1. an amount of money that a person can earn without paying tax on it. 2. an amount that can be taken off a business's profit figure when calculating tax. Allowances are often used to encourage particular business decisions, such as spending on new machinery. (льготы на налог)

goods and services tax (GST) – a type of value-added tax charged on goods and services in some countries. (налог на товары и услуги)

value-added tax (VAT) - a tax on some goods and services. Businesses pay value-added tax on most goods and services they buy and if they are VAT registered, charge value-added taxs on the goods and services they sell. At regular periods of time, the total amount of tax paid is taken away from the total amount charged to arrive at an amount that is owed to or by the business. Final customers pay VAT on these goods in shops and on services. VAT is a way of charging tax on the increase in value of goods and services at each stage as they are produced, rather than just on their final selling price to customers. (налог на добавленную стоимость (НДС))

graduated tax - income tax that rises in stages according to a taxpayer's incomes. For example it may be 20% for the first $4100 income, 23% for the next $22000, and 40% for the rest. (прогрессивный налог)

head tax (= poll tax) – a tax paid by every person in a country at the same rate, whatever their income. (подушный налог)

hypothecated tax – a tax where they money obtained, or part of the money obtained, is used for a particular purpose, rather than spent on a number of things. (закрепленный налог)

c/o : care of
под опекой

COD : cash on delivery
наложенный платёж

col. : column

COO : Chief Operating Officer
исполнительный директор

corp. : corporation

Cyprus Tax Treaty Targets Developers

A new double-taxation treaty between Russia and Cyprus includes a section that will make it more difficult for developers to use offshore firms to minimize their tax payments, according to a copy of the document.

Earlier this month, finance ministers from both countries agreed on a protocol that will alter the current bilateral agreement on double taxation. The main changes involve better information sharing between the countries' finance ministries and help in collecting taxes, but several of the alterations will have a direct effect on the real estate market.

Developers typically register their projects as part of a separate firm so that it is easier to sell, said Alexander Zakharov, a partner at legal firm Center YuSB. As a rule, he said, those firms are registered offshore, frequently in Cyprus.

... When developers sell a property, they usually sell the shares in the company that controls the project as well, said Dmitry Shmelev, commercial director of Snegiri Development. If the share sale takes place in Cyprus, Zakharov said, it is a tax-free transaction, whereas in Russia a 20 percent profit tax would need to be paid after deducting the construction expenses.

Changes to Article 13 of the agreement with Cyprus allow Russia to collect a profit tax on the sale of companies registered there if more than half of the firm's assets are in Russian real estate. The main problem is being notified of such deals, a tax official said, adding that they had to hope that the Cypriots would start informing the Finance Ministry under the rules spelled out in the protocol.

The result could be hundreds of millions of dollars in new tax revenue. According to Colliers International, the 10 largest commercial real estate projects in Moscow last year alone were worth $2.72 billion.


treaty - договор, соглашение

target - нацелен на что-то

developer - застройщик

double-taxation – двойное налогообложение

offshore – офшорный (расположенный, действующий в другой стране)

according to - в соответствии с, по словам, по мнению

alter - изменять

bilateral - двусторонний

alteration - изменение

real estate - недвижимость

shares - акции

asset - активы, капитал

notify - извещать, уведомлять

spell out - разъяснять, растолковывать

revenue - доход

worth - стоящий



Olga: I would like to exchange this please.
Я бы хотела поменять это, пожалуйста.

Andrew: Is there anything wrong with it?
Что-то с ней не так?

O: Well no, not really.
Ну... нет вообщем-то.

A: Mam, I need a valid reason to let You exchange something.
Мэм, мне нужна обоснованная причина чтобы позволить Вам что-нибудь обменять.

O: Oh, it's just that it's a birthday present, but the size is a bit off. I love the shirt, I just want a different size.
О, ну просто это подарок на день рожденья, но размер немного не тот. Мне кофточка очень нравится, я просто хочу другой размер.

A: Alright, thank you. Can I have Your receipt?
Хорошо, спасибо. Мажно мне Ваш чек?

O: Yes, of cource, here You go.
Да, конечно, пожалуйста.

A: It's a gift receipt - Your friends thought of everything.
Это подарочный чек - Ваши друзья подумали обо всём.

O: Yes, it was prudent of them.
Да, жто было предусмотрительно с их стороны.

A: Go ahead and pick out the size You need. Come back to me with both items and I will write You a new receipt.
Идите и выберете себе размер, который Вам нужен. Возвращайтесь ко мне с обоими вещами и я выпишу Вам новый чек.

O: Thank You, I'll be back in a few minutes.
Спасибо, я вернусь через несколько минут.



tax - an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc, that is used to pay for public services. (налог, пошлина, сбор)

ad valorem tax – a tax that changes, depending on the value of the goods it is added to, rather than being fixed amount. (налог на стоимость, пошлина "ад валорем")

capital tax - a tax on capital, rather than on spending. (налог на капитал)

consumption tax (= expenditure tax) – a tax that a government puts on certain types of goods in order to make people buy fewer of them, for example in order to make people buy fewer of them, for example during a war or difficult economic conditions. (потребительский налог)

deferred tax - tax relating to a particular year that the authorities allow to be paid in a later year. (отсроченный налог)

degressive tax - a tax where people with low incomes pay a smaller percentage of what they earn than those with high incomes. (уменьшающийся налог)

direct tax – a tax on what you earn, for example income tax, rather than one paid on goods that you buy. (прямой налог)

discriminatory tax1. a tax on particular producers intended to make it easier for other producers to compete. 2. a tax on a particular activity that some people think is unfair. (дискриминационный налог)

excise tax (= excise duty) – a tax on certain goods produced and sold in a country, for example cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. (акцизный сбор, акцизный налог)


CLO : collateralized loan obligation
облигация, обеспеченная кредитами

CLU : chartered life underwriter
дипломированный андеррайтер по страхованию жизни

CLV : customer lifetime value
пожизненная ценность клиента

CM : category management
управление ассортиментом

Co : Company

Finland Withholds Pipeline Backing

President Dmitry Medvedev didn't win firm backing for the Nord Stream gas pipeline from his Finnish counterpart Tarja Halonen in Monday talks, a signal that bargaining will continue in the next few months.

Halonen said Finland was still studying the project in terms of its environmental safety and suggested that a decision might be coming in July, when the countries' prime ministers are scheduled to meet.

"As Finns have said earlier, the gas pipeline is an ecological question," Halonen said, speaking at a joint news conference with Medvedev. "If it can be built in an ecologically safe way, then we think it's a good solution."

Medvedev said simply that Russia would continue to promote the pipeline.

In exchange for permission to lay the undersea pipeline off its coast, Finland may ask Russia for further changes in timber export policy and discounts for gas and electricity imports, said Dmitry Abzalov, an expert at the Center of Current Politics, a think tank.

Russia is a major exporter of timber for Finland's sprawling forestry industry.

"I think Helsinki is trying to bargain," Abzalov said. "They are first and foremost interested in timber."

whithhold - отказывать (в чём-либо)

pipeline - трубопровод

backing - помощь, поддержка

counterpart – лицо или предмет, являющиеся эквивалентами чего-либо лишь в определенном контексте

joint – совместный

promote - продвигать

permission - разрешение

further - дальнейшие

timber - древесина

policy - политика

think tank - голова, башка

sprawling - развалившийся

bargain - договориться, торговаться

foremost - прежде всего, в первую очередь

Nick: Dana, what's wrong? Talk to me...
Дана, что случилось? Ну поговори же со мной...

Dana: Oh, I'm an idiot. How could I have been such a fool!
Я идиотка. И как я могла быть такой дурочкой?

N: Calm down, calm down.. Tell me, what happened?
Успокойся, успокойся. Расскажи мне, что случилось?

D: Well, do you remember the fair we visited last month?
Ну, ты помишь ярморку, на которую мы сходили в прошлом месяце?

N: Yes, of cource. What about it?
Да, конечно. А что конкретно?

D: I met a man there.
Я там познакомилась с одним мужчиной.

N: Well, that doesn't sound like a good start.
Мне уже не нравится как это начинается.

D: He told me he was an antique expert... even gave me his business card, he was so convincing.
Он сказал мне что он эксперт по антиквариату... даже дал мне свою визитку, он был так убедителен.

N: Ok, go on.
ОК, продолжай.

D: I asked him to come in and take a look at my grandmother's old mirror... Do you remember it? I was thinking of selling it anyway.
Я попросила его прийти и посмотреть на старое бабушкино зеркало... Ты помнишь его? Я и так уже думала его продавать.

N: Yes, of cource I remember, it is one of a kind.
Да, конечно я помню, оно уникально.

D: Well, when he came to check it out, he told me that he had some doubts about its value and needs to show it to some colleagues of his.
Ну, когда он пришёл чтобы на него посмотреть, он сказал что у него сомнения насчёт его стоимости и нужно его показать коллегам.

N: Oh, please don't tell me you bought it!
Пожалуйста, только не говори мне что ты купилась на это!

D: I did... I am such a moron. And of cource, that was the last I'd seen of him and my precious mirror. All the contact information he gave me was fake.
Купилась... я такая идиотка. И, конечно же, это был последний раз когда я видела и его и своё драгоценное зеркало. Вся контактная информация, которую он мне дал, была поддельной.

N: I am sorry... But it was a valuable lesson, it will help you be less gullible.
Я тебе сочувствую... Но это - ценный урок, он тебе поможет быть менее доверчивой.
Liability (2)

liability - the responsibility that a person or organization has for loss, damage, or injury caused to others, or for payment of debts. (обязательство, ответственность)

civil liability – responsibility for injury or damage that is not serious enough to be covered by criminal law. (гражданская ответственность)

criminal liability - responsibility for injury or damage that is serious enough to be covered by criminal law. (уголовная ответственность)

employer liability (= employer's liability) – responsibility by employers for their employees' actions while working or at work. (ответственность работодателя)

joint and several liability - when a number of different people or organizations are responsible both as a group and individually for harm or injury they have caused. (солидарная и индивидуальная ответственность)

legal liability - responsibility for an action covered by the law. (правовая ответственность)

limited liability – when the owners of a limited liability comany are only responsible for their company's debts up to a certain amount if it goes out of business, and do not have to sell their personal assets to repay these debts. (ограниченная ответственность)

unlimited liability – when a person or organization is considered responsible for paying the complete cost of any damage or injury they cause, or for paying all of teir debts, with no upper limit. (неограниченная ответственность)

ECN : electronic communications network
электронная система осуществления сделок купли-продажи биржевых товаров

AGM : annual general meeting
общее ежегодное собрание

EGM : extraordinary general meeting
чрезвычайное общее собрание акционеров компании

AI : Artificial Intelligence
искусственный разум

BDI : brand development index
индекс регионального развития марки

Transfer Pricing Law Aims at Tax Evasion

Stricter regulations on transfer pricing will be introduced this fall to help cut back on corporate tax evasion, government officials said Monday.

The practice, under which assets and services are transferred within an organization, is a major concern for fiscal authorities as multinational companies use the mechanism to reduce taxable profits. The announcement comes as the government is scrambling for ways to increase revenue without unduly burdening business with heavier taxes, including more efficient collection.

"Foreign companies are taking the money they earn in Russia and trying to transfer the maximum amount possible to their parent companies overseas so they don't have to pay taxes here," Stanislav Voskresensky, a deputy economic development minister, said at a conference of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, or RSPP. "We want to make the regulations on transfer pricing stricter."

Russian companies also use transfer pricing to shift their tax bases from region to region or offshore, he said.

"We expect the law on transfer pricing to be adopted by the fall, " Sergei Shatalov, a deputy finance minister, said at the same conference.

The two ministries have drafted a bill that would define the principles of pricing and set the list of the transfer deals within the companies that should be regulated. The bill will also make it obligatory to report deals worth more than 100 million rubles ($3 million), a sum that will eventually be decreased.

transfer pricing - установление цен на промежуточную продукцию между подразделениями фирмы

evasion - уклонение

tax evasion - уклонение от уплаты налога

fiscal – финансовый, фискальный

scramble – бороться

unduly - чрезмерно, нестраведливо

parent company - контролирующая компания

enterpreneur - предприниматель

shift - перемещать, переводить

adopt - принимать

draft - составлять проект

bill - законопроект, билль

obligatory - обязательный
At the Hotel

Receptionist: Here is your room bill, Mrs. Blake. Will you be paying by cash or with a credit card?
Вот Ваш счёт за номер, миссис Блэйк. Вы будете платить наличными или кредитной картой?

Mrs. Blake: Credit card. One moment, I will get it... Wait a minute. What is this?
Кредитной картой. Секундочку, я принесу... Так, минутку. Что это?

R: Is something wrong, madam?
Что-то не так, мадам?

B: You bet it is. Right here, this 95$ charge.
Ну да. Вот здесь, эти 95$

R: It is the mini-bar charge. Here it says so across from the charge.
Это плата за напитки из мини-бара. Вот тут так сказано напротив цены.

B: Is this some kind of a joke?
Это что, шутка чтоли?

R: No, Mrs. Blake, I do not believe so. Do you think there has been a mistake?
Нет, миссис Блэйк, я так не думаю. Вы считаете, что произошла ошибка?

B: You bet I do. I am not going to pay for this nonsense, you hear me!
Готова поспорить. Я не собираюсь платить за эту бессмыслицу, вы слышите!

R: Madam, please... Do you mean that you have not taken anything from the mini-bar?
Мадам, пожалуйста... Вы пытаетесь сказать что вы не брали ничего из мини-бара?

B: Certainly, I have, but nothing to amount to 95$! Just a few softdrinks now and then. This is absurd, I want to see the manager.
Конечно же, брала, но ничего что бы вышло в 95$! Просто несколько безалкогольных напитков время от времени. Это абсурд, я хочу поговорить с менеджером.

R: Madam, are you sure you have checked the prices of items at the mini-bar? Is it at all possible that the amount is correct? If you want, I will bring in a detailed bill.
Мадам, вы уверены что проверили цены напитков из мини-бара? Есть ли возможность, что цифра правильна? Если хотите, я принесу подробный счёт.

B: Yes, I do! And no, I have not seen the prices, I would need those too. Please, hurry up.
Да, хочу! И нет, я не видела цен, мне они тоже нужны. Пожалуйста, поспешите.

R: The mini-bar menue is here, the top drawer of the bed-side table.
Меню мини-бара здесь, верхний ящик прикраватной тумбочки.

B: Thank you, go on now, and bring the manager with you, I want this resolved quickly!
Спасибо, идите, и приводите ссобой менеджера, я хочу это разрешить быстро!

R: Of course, Mrs. Blake. I will be here within 15 minutes.
Конечно, миссис Блэйк. Я вернусь в течение 15 минут.

liability - an amount of money owed by a business to a supplier, lender, etc. (обязательство, задолженность, долг; множ. - пассивы)

assumed liabilities – the debts that a comnapy agrees to be responsible for paying when it buys another company. (принятые обязательства)

contingent liabilities (= contingency liabilities) - debts that may have to be paid later, and that are included in a report on a company's financial situation. (условные обязательства)

deferred liabilities – debts relating to activity in one period of time that will or may be paid in a later period of time. (отсроченные обязательства)

deposit liabilities - money that people and companies have put into banks, and that the banks will have to pay back at some time in the future. (обязательства (банка) по депозитам)

external liabilities - debts to lenders and suppliers, as compared to money owed to shareholders. (внешние обязательства)

fixed liabilities (= long-term liabilities) – debts to be paind in more than one year, for example to lenders such as banks, rather than to suppliers. (долгосрочные обязательства)

tax liability – an amount of tax that a person or organization must pay. (обязательства по уплате налога)

grs. : gross

GUI : Graphical User Interface
графический пользовательский интерфейс

LBO : Leveraged Buyout
покупка контрольного пакета акций корпорации с помощью кредита

ATM : Automated Teller Machine

MBA : Master of Business Administration
мастер делового администрирования

Putin says Russia can beat crisis

This year will be "very difficult" for the Russian economy, but the country will come out of the downturn, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said.
He told the state Duma, or lower house, that a 3tn rouble ($90bn; £60bn) package of aid measures would help Russia survive the economic crisis. "What we can definitely and must say is that Russia will overcome the crisis," Mr Putin said. He said Russia would retain its place as one of the world's bigger economies. "To achieve this, we must all work in a well-coordinated manner, as one team," Mr Putin said. "Our actions must be not fussy, but prompt, responsible and well-balanced. They should be genuinely effective for both people and the economy." His comments follow those of Igor Shuvalov, the first deputy prime minister, who last week said Russia could return to positive economic growth by the end of the year.

'Possibility of control'
Russia's $1.7tn economy has been hit after 10 years of growth during which its oil, gas and metals were in global demand. With the economic slump, demand and prices for these products has fallen. It has been hit especially hard by the financial crisis and more than a million people have lost their jobs since December. The stock markets ended 2008 70% below the record highs they had reached last May. Last month, the World Bank predicted Russia's economy will shrink by 4.5% this year. The bank said that Russia, a major oil producer, would be particularly hard hit by falling energy prices. Speaking on Monday, Mr Putin said he would examine the possibility of establishing internal control of prices of oil and gas within the country. "We should take a closer look at the possibility of control, but at the same time we must do so in a way that would not harm the profitability of Russian oil and gas companies," he said. "Closing our economy completely to the effects of the external market will be impossible," he added. And he said the country's banking system was now out of trouble after coming close to disaster. "The threat of a collapse of the banking system has receded," Mr Putin said. "But it was quite real, it was literally on the edge." 

downturn - упадок

lower house – нижняя палата

retain - удержать

fussy – суетливый

genuinely – реально

slump - спад

shrink - ухудшиться, уменьшиться

establish - учреждать

within - внутри

profitability - прибыльность (ability to make profit)

threat - угроза

collapse - обвал

recede - отступать

literally - буквально
Presentation Tips (3)

Daniel: (after some practice) So, how are you feeling now?
(после тренировок) Ну, как ты себя чувствуешь сейчас?

Karen: A bit better, all thanks to you.
Немного лучше, всё благодаря тебе.

D: Do you have any other concerns we have not addressed in the cource of our practice?
У тебя есть ещё что-нибудь беспокоющее тебя с чем мы не разбирались во время тренировки?

K: Let me think... oh yes. There is the matter of a question session after I get through with the presentation.
Дай мне подумать.. ах да. Ещё есть вопрос как быть со временем отведённым для вопросов после того как я закончу презентацию.

D: Yes, that's true. But you do know a great deal on the topic, don't you?
Да, есть такое. Но ты же многое знаешь по этой теме, не так ли?

K: Oh yes, I do. I guess I am still not very sure in myself. Do you think there wouln't be any problems with that?
Да, конечно знаю. Мне кажется я просто всё ещё не очень уверена в себе. Думаешь, с этим проблем не будет?

D: I do think it will be allright. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't practice. First, let's think of the kinds of questions that might arise. Think of all the things that gave you trouble when you first met this topic or were collecting the data for the presentation and write them down. I'll write down the questions that I had while listening to your presentation.
Я правда думаю что там будет всё в порядке. Но это не значит что нам не следует поупражняться. Сначала давай подумаем какие вопросы могут возникнуть. Вспомни всё с чем у тебя были проблемы когда ты впервые столкнулась с этой темой или когда собирала данные для презентации и запиши. Я запишу вопросы которые у меня были когда я слушал твою презентацию.

K: OK, done.
ОК, готово.

D: Right, now let's go over them. I will ask the questions and you answer them.
Хорошо, теперь давай пробежимся по ним. Я буду задавать вопросы а ты отвечай на них.

K: (***) Thanks a lot, that really helped. These were not so tough though. What if they ask something really difficult?
(***) Большое спасибо, это и правда помогло. Но эти были не такими уж и сложными. Что если они спросят меня что-нибудь по-настоящему сложное?

D: Well, in that case what you can do is throw it back out to the audience to discuss. This will give you some time to think it over.
Ну, в этом случае ты можешь сама задать этот вопрос залу чтобы они обсудили его. Это даст тебе время обдумать его.

K: I see. But what if I really have no answer for their question?
Ясно. Но что если у меня совсем не будет ответа на их вопрос?

D: In that case you can tell them so and if they want it - promise to look it up and get back to them later about it. After all, you are only human. They cant expect you to have an answer to everything.
В таком случае ты можешь сказать им об этом и, если они захотят, пообещать найти ответ и сообщить им позже. В конце-концов, они не могут ожидать что у тебя есть ответы на всё.

K: I guess so. Well, thank you again for your help. I think I will go home for a good rest now, I feel exhausted. Will you make it to my presentation? I would love a friendly face in the audience.
Наверное ты прав. Ну, ещё раз спасибо за твою помощь. Думаю, я теперь пойду домой и хорошенько отдохну, чувствую себя выжатой. Ты сможешь прийти на мою презентацию? Мне бы очень хотелось иметь знакомого в аудитории.

D: Of cource I will. Have a good night.
Конечно смогу. Доброй ночи.
Assets (3)

asset - something belonging to an individual or a business that has value or the power to earn money. (активы, средства, фонды)

asset backing (= asset cover = asset value per share) – the total value of all the assets that a company has, divided by the number of shares that the company has issued. (доля каждой акции в стоимости активов)

backing - support or help, especially financial help. (поддержка)

asset deflation – when the value of assets such as property is falling. (дефляция активов)

asset inflation - when the price of land, shares etc rises more quickly than the rate of economic growth. (инфляция активов)

asset mix - a mix of different investments designed to be the most profitable possible. (сочетание активов)

asset shuffling (= asset chopping) – when a company reorganizes its assets, for example by splitting up businesses and creating new businesses, in the belief that this can improve their value. (перераспределение активов)

asset stripping – the proctice of buying a company whose shares are worth less than its assets, then selling its assets in order to make a quick profit. (распродажа неприбыльных активов)

asset turnover – a company's sales in relation to its assets, calculated to see how efficiently a business uses its assets. (оборот основных фондов)

TM : Trademark
торговая марка

SME : Small and Medium Enterprise
малый и средний бизнес

Jnr. : Junior

Snr. : Senior

Soc. : Society

Особенности употребления лексики (to ask, to inquire, to question, to demand)

Глаголы to ask(ed), to inquire(ed), to question(ed), to demand(ed) переводятся на русский язык как 'спрашивать, выяснять'. Они различаются по дополнительной характеристике выражаемого ими понятия и по стилистической окраске.

Глагол to ask - 'спрашивать', 'обратиться с вопросом, с целью узнать что-либо' имеет наиболее обобщённое значение и может заменять все остальные члены данного стилистического ряда. Этот глагол стилистически нейтрален. Он употребляется:

1) С беспредложным дополнением:
To ask the way - спросить дорогу
To ask a question - задать вопрос

Before buying anything, you should ask the price.
Перед тем как что-либо купить, необходимо спросить о цене.

2) С предложным дополнением, вводимым предлогами after, about:
To ask after a person's health - спросить о состоянии здоровья
To ask about the latest news - спросить о новостях

I must ask after my sick friend.
Я должен справиться о здоровье моего больного друга.

Paul asked about the latest news.
Поль спросил о последних новостях.

Глагол to ask употребляется при ведении как прямой, так и косвенной речи:

"Are you hungry?" the first lady asked me.
"Вы голодны?" - спросила меня первая леди.

He visited us the next day and asked if we had got home safely.
Он навестил нас на следующий день и спросил, благополучно ли мы добрались до дому.

Глагол to inquire имеет смысловой оттенок, указывающий на стремление получить точную информацию о чём-либо или о ком-либо; принадлежит к числу литературных слов. Он употребляется:

1) С беспредложным дополнением:

The clerk inquired my name.
Чиновник спросил моё имя.

2) С предложным дополнением, вводимым предлогами after, for, of, into, about:

a) To inquire after - спрашивать о чьём-либо здоровье
I inquired after the wounded.
Я справился о здоровье раненого.

b) To inquire for somebody - спрашивать, осведомляться о ком-либо
I was to come over and inquire for Master Davy.
Мне нужно было зайти и повидать (досл. узнать) мистера Дэви.

c) To inquire of a person - спрашивать у кого-либо
"What are they talking about?" inquired the old lady of one of her granddaughters in a very audible voice.
"О чём они говорят?" - спросила старая леди у одной из своих внучек довольно громко.

d) To inquire into a matter - допытываться
Tim decided to inquire into the very core of the matter.
Тим решил докопаться до самой сути.

e) To inquire about something - узнать, разузнавать что-либо
Something has gone wrong. I will inquire about it.
Что-то случилась. Я разузнаю об этом.

Глагол to inquire употребляется при ведении как прямой, так и косвенной речи:

"Are you married?" inquired a dirty-faced man.
"Вы женаты?"- спросил мужчина с грязным лицом.

She inquired if Jonathan liked his job.
Она спросила Джонатана, нравиться ли ему его работа.

Глагол to question имеет смысловой оттенок 'спрашивать', 'задавать вопросы один за другим' (при опросе, допросе, на экзамене, для того чтобы получить наиболее полные сведения):

They questioned him asking him what had happened to him.
Они задавали ему вопрос за вопросом, спрашивая, что с ним случилось.

Глагол to demand имеет смысловой оттенок 'настойчиво спрашивать'. Он принадлежит к числу книжных слов и употребляется, в основном, при введении прямой и косвенной речи:

"Are you sure that it's all?" Martin demanded menacingly.
"Вы уверены, что это всё?" - спросил Мартин с угрозой.

As the vehicle rumbled out of the yard, Shirly, rallying her spirits, demanded what had become of the wounded.
Когда карета с грохотом выехала со двора, Шерли, овладев собой, спросила, что стало с раненым.

Глагол to demand имеет также значение 'требовать'. В таком случае он к данному синонимическому ряду не относится:

This letter demands an immediate answer.
Это письмо требует немедленного ответа.

"Откуда вы родом?" - "Where are you from?"

Цель: Вопрос "Откуда вы родом?" - "Where are you from?" - и ответ на него. Повторение слов и выражений из прошлых уроков

Содержание: Сотрудник "Голоса Америки" Мартин Лернер берет интервью у Стефана Новака, студента из Польши. Мартин спрашивает его, откуда он и где живет в настоящее время.



Where are you from?


I am from Poland.


What city are you from?


I am from Cracow.


Where do you live now?


I live in Baltimore now.


I lived in Florida last year.





офис, кабинет, учреждение

tape recorder






(coffees=cups of coffee)

кофе, чашки кофе

health administration

управление медицинскими учреждениями













записывать на пленку


называть по буквам






учиться, изучать






Example: Where are you from?

Откуда вы?

Example: What city are you from?

Из какого вы города?


Call me...

Называйте меня..., зовите меня...

Sit down


She said...

Она сказала...



Example: Let's listen

Давайте послушаем


Minister opposes protectionist policies

The Russian Economy Ministry believes that the government should not increase import duties on goods that cannot be produced in Russia, Economy Minister Elvira Nabiullina told a briefing following the ministry's extended board meeting. Speaking about fruit import duties, Nabiullina said that duties were not to be hiked up for fruits that do not grow in Russia.

Commenting on Russia's import policies as a whole, Nabiullina noted that although many domestic industrial products could easily substitute for imported ones, the share of imports exceeded 50 percent of certain products. While stressing the need for increasing production incentives in Russia, Nabiullina warned against closing the Russian economy and pursuing protectionist policies.


protectionist - протекционистский

duty – пошлина, налог

briefing - информационное совещание

following – следуя, после

hike up – повышать, поднимать

policy - политика

stress - акцентировать

incentive - стимул

pursue - преследовать


Presentation Tips

Daniel: So are you ready for a few more tips?
Ну как, ты готова получить ещё несколько советов?

Karen: Of course, I could use all the help I can get.
Конечно, я воспользуюсь любой помощью, которую смогу достать.

D: I am taking a tape recorder with me. Since you are really so anxious about this presentation, we will record it so you can listen to yourself speak.
Я беру с собой диктофон. Раз ты правда так волнуешься по поводу этой презентации, мы запишем её чтобы ты смогла послушать как ты говоришь.

K: Do you really think it will help?
Ты, правда, думаешь, что это мне поможет?

D: Sure I do! This way you will know what to watch out for and be able to correct many of your mistakes ahead of time. Thus you will avoid many pitfalls.
Я уверен! Так ты будешь знать, чего опасаться и сможешь исправить многие свои ошибки заранее. Таким образом, ты избежишь неприятностей.

K: Alright, sounds like a good idea.
Да, похоже, это хорошая идея.

D: Also, when you are speaking, try not to talk too quickly. Take a pause, give your audience a chance to collect themselves and evaluate your words ones in a while. This will also give you a chance to catch your breath and have a bit of water.
Также, когда ты говоришь, постарайся не говорить слишком быстро. Сделай паузу, дай аудитории шанс собраться и взвесить твои слова время от времени. Это также даст тебе шанс перевести дух и глотнуть воды.

K: Make sure to speak slower and with pauses. Got it.
Говорить медленнее и с паузами. Запомнила.

D: Moreover you should really try to manage at least a bit of enthusiasm when you give your speech. If your audience sees that you are not interested, they will see no reason to be interested in it themselves. All of these we will work on using the recordings of your speech.
Более того, тебе очень надо постараться говорить хоть немного с энтузиазмом, когда ты даёшь презентацию. Если твои слушатели увидят что тебе не интересно, у них не будет причин самим быть заинтересованными. Над всем этим мы поработаем используя запись твоей презентации.

K: I think I am already getting excited; I can’t wait to start trying. This might just become the best presentation I ever made.
Мне кажется, я уже начинаю волноваться, жду не дождусь начать пробовать. Это возможно станет лучшей презентацией, которую я когда-либо давала.

D: You bet! Nice to see you following my advice and thinking positive for a change.
Готов поспорить! Рад видеть, что ты следуешь моему совету и начинаешь думать позитивно для разнообразия.


Assets (2)

asset - something belonging to an individual or a business that has value or the power to earn money. (активы, средства, фонды)

net assets – the overall value of a business, the difference between its assets and its liabilities. (чистая стоимость активов)

net current assets - the difference between a company’s current assets and its current liabilities. (чистые текущие оборотные активы)

operating assets – assets that are used in the production activities of a company. (текущие оборотные активы)

underlying assets - assets in relation to the securities that are based on them. (базовый актив, базисный актив)

wasting assets - an asset, such as property or business, that is losing money over time. (истощающиеся активы)

current liabilities – debts that must be paid within one year, for example to suppliers and the tax authorities. (краткосрочные обязательства)

securities – property or other assets that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back the money that you owe them. (ценные бумаги)


DST : Daylight Savings Time
летнее время

CTR: Click Through Rate
показатель кликабельности

DTP : Desktop Publishing
настольные издательские системы

E&OE : Errors and Omissions Excepted
исключая ошибки и пропуски

dwt : deadweight tonnage
полная грузоподъёмность, дедвейт

Скачать фильмы

Урок английского языка

Цель: Научиться рассказывать о том, какую работу выполняют разные люди, а также указывать на близлежащие и отдаленные предметы.

Содержание: Мартин Лернер посещает новый торговый центр. Он встречается со многими людьми, выполняющими разную работу.



Who are they?


They're carpenters. They're making shelves.


They're workers. They're making a road.


Show me the shops.


Here's a shoe shop. There's a bicycle shop.


Here's a clothing shop. There's a pet shop.

Words and phrases:

Nouns (different shops or things in a mall):




книжный магазин










скобяные изделия


ювелирные изделия




домашнее животное










склад, магазин

Nouns (other):


плотник, столяр












пол, этаж




центр, мол




маляр, художник


























to buy


to clean

убирать, чистить

to make


to paint


to play


to take



How can I help you?

Чем могу помочь?

Что я могу для вас сделать?